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Resources and Studies from MedicareAdvantage.com

At MedicareAdvantage.com, we give our readers the information they need to age healthy and happy. We are also dedicated to exploring public health issues and the senior experience in America. 

To support these aspects of our editorial mission, we produce various health resource guides and perform data studies throughout the year.

  • Our research studies share the results of our independent data analysis projects and national public surveys that explore a variety of American health and social issues. Topics include everything from senior dating to the role age plays in national politics. 

  • Our resource guides provide helpful information and assistance for a range of topics such as prescription drug costs, alcohol abuse, fall prevention, veterans needs, senior hunger and more.

Research Studies

Study Highlights Seniors’ Lack of Knowledge About Medicare

Our survey of 2,013 Medicare beneficiaries finds many risk wasted money and missed benefits due to a lack of knowledge.

Medicare Literacy Survey


The Best States for Medicare in 2024

This report details where Medicare beneficiaries have access to the widest range of quality 2024 Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug plans at the most affordable prices.

Best States for Medicare Report


Feeling the Burn: At-Home Exercise Injuries Surge During Pandemic

Likely due to gym closures, ER visits for at-home workout injuries surged by nearly 50% from 2019 to 2020 according to data from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission's National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS).

COVID At-Home Exercise Injuries Report


The Most Popular TV and Film Grandparents in Every State

In honor of Grandparents Day on September 12, we used Google Trends data to determine each state’s favorite television or film grandparent. Check out our list to find your state's most popular grandparents!

Most Popular TV and Film Grandparents by State


Medicare Spent Over $3.6 Billion On Discarded Drugs From 2017 to 2021

Analysis of CMS data shows discarded units of valuable cancer drugs and other single-use drugs account for hundreds of millions of dollars of annual Medicare waste.

Part B Drug Spending Waste Report


Widowed Seniors Are Missing Out On Medicare Grief Counseling and Therapy

Our report finds the vast majority of widowed seniors are unaware of Medicare mental health benefits they're entitled to, and only 15% of widowed beneficiaries have used covered services.

Medicare Mental Health Care and Widowed Seniors Report


What Medical Condition Are You Most Afraid Of?

We surveyed over 1,000 adults to find out what diseases and health conditions they fear the most. While COVID-19 and heart disease were two of the leading causes of death in 2020, they didn't top the list.

Most Feared Heath Conditions Report


U.S. vs. International Retirement Report

Our survey of over 1,000 retirees compares financial and health outlooks of U.S. and international seniors. Our study finds retirees in America are less prepared for retirement than seniors in other countries and have less optimistic expectations for their remaining financial prospects.

International vs American Retirees Report


Can't Buy Me Love? Millennials Say, "OK, Boomer"

Our survey of 1,000 adults explores how baby boomers, Gen Xers, millennials and Gen Zers compare on Valentine's Day spending. Find out who's the most generous and who's feeling the least appreciated.

Valentines Day Spending Study


Are At-Home Tests a Trusted Health Care Future?

Our survey of 1,162 adults found far more older adults trust at-home health test results – including COVID-19 tests – than members of Gen Z.

Home Health Testing and Monitoring Study


The Most Offensive Senior Terms and Characterizations

According to our survey of nearly 600 seniors, older adults don't like being called elderly and especially dislike insults to their intelligence.

Offensive Senior Terms and Stereotypes Report


Who Can Convince More Seniors to Trust COVID-19 Vaccines?

We surveyed nearly 500 older adults to find out whether they're willing to take the COVID-19 vaccine and what public figures they most trust about the vaccine's safety.

COVID-19 Vaccine Public Trust Report


Which States Could See the Greatest Impact of Medicare at 60?

Which state populations would be most affected by Joe Biden's plan to lower the Medicare eligibility age to 60? We used federal data and survey data to find out.

Medicare at 60 Impact Report


The Most Overworked Health Care Workers in America

Using federal health data, we identified the states whose health care workers are under the greatest strain due to COVID-19. Learn which states' nurses, paramedics, doctors, pharmacists and psychologists are most overworked.

Most Overworked Health Care Workers Study


The 20 Most Depressing Cities in America

Using economic data from several government and academic resources, we calculated the 20 most depressing cities in the U.S. going into 2021. Find out which cities made the list.

Most Depressing Cities Study


Women's Health 2020 Report

We surveyed over 1,000 women to explore how COVID-19 restrictions impacted their physical and mental health. Negative self-image and poor disease management were among the top reported issues.

Women's Health During COVID-19 Report


Americans Agree: 2020 Was the Worst Year in a Lifetime

We surveyed over 1,000 adults about what years were the best and worst of their life. 2020 was the top choice as "worst year," but the reasons for this varied based on a person's age and gender.

Best and Worst Years of Life Survey


Despite Risks, Many Seniors Rely on Home Health Remedies

We surveyed seniors to find out how frequently they use home remedies to bypass professional care from doctors and other providers. 41% of seniors said they've done so against the advice of their doctor.

Senior Home Remedies Report


Most Adults Don't Trust Medicare or Social Security Will Help Them Retire

We surveyed over 1,000 adults to study their expectations for Medicare and Social Security. The majority of people have negative outlooks for each and for their own ability to retire comfortably.

Medicare, Social Security and Retirement Outlook Report


More Older Adults Trust Democrat Candidates to Manage Medicare and Health Policy

We surveyed around 1,000 Medicare beneficiaries to find out their political opinions of the future of Medicare and if they think either major political party cares more about them.

Political Opinions on the Future of Medicare Report


Senior Isolation May Lead to Risky Pandemic Holiday Behavior

We surveyed grandparents and grandchildren to find out what's driving the desire to spend in-person time together during a holiday season with skyrocketing COVID-19 risks.

Senior Family Communication Report

The Worst Cities for Health Care and COVID-19 Scams

We analyzed scams reported to the Better Business Bureau to find the worst cities in America for health care scams, COVID-19 scams and scams targeted at seniors.

Health Care and Senior Scams Report


The Worst States for Workplace Age Discrimination

Our analysis of age discrimination reports filed with the EEOC since 1997 highlights the states with the highest rates of discrimination claims.

Age Discrimination Report


The Top Baby Names Grandparents Dislike the Most

We surveyed nearly 800 grandparents to find out which baby names they dislike the most, including weird celebrity baby names and today's most popular names.

Baby Names and Grandparents Survey


Many Seniors Don't Comparison Shop for Medicare Insurance

We surveyed 891 Medicare beneficiaries and found many fail to compare their Medicare plan options, which can result in avoidable high costs.

Medicare Shopper Survey


Medicare Beneficiaries Support Expanded Public Insurance

We surveyed 1,000 Medicare beneficiaries and found they largely support extending Medicare eligibility to age 60, and many support Medicare for All.

Expanding Medicare Benefits Survey


The Most Popular Coronavirus Conspiracy Theory in Each State

We found the most popular COVID-19 conspiracy theory in each state. Find out which state is home to the most "coronavirus truthers."

COVID Conspiracy Theories


Face Masks Bring Tan Lines and "Maskne" in Summer 2020

We surveyed over 1,000 Americans and found who's afraid of getting face mask tan lines this summer. How do you compare to other Americans during the summer of COVID-19?

Coronavirus Summer Face Mask Tan Lines


Facts vs. Myths About Coronavirus (COVID-19)

We surveyed over 700 U.S. adults to see how well the understand coronavirus (COVID-19) facts vs. myths. Find out the most dangerous myth people still believe.

Coronavirus COVID-19 Fact vs. Myth Survey


Are Americans as Healthy as They Believe?

90% of people describe their health in positive terms, despite low levels of exercise and poor diets. Our study explores these and other stark health misperceptions.

Health Perceptions Survey


The Trump Trigger Effect - A Study of How Political Bias Affects Physical and Mental Health

Our study explores the ways that mentioning President Trump's name affects people's attitudes about their mental and physical health.

Trump Trigger Effect Study


Healthy Habits - Exploring People's Health and Eating Habits on Different Diets

We asked more than 1,000 individuals currently following a diet plan to describe their experience so we could find out which diets might be having a lasting impact.

Healthy Habits and Diet Survey


Preferred Fictional Physicians - Exploring People's Preferences and Perceptions of TV Doctors

To find out just how much of an impact fake TV doctors are having on real patients, we surveyed over 800 people for their opinions on characters like Meredith Grey, Derek Shepherd, and Shaun Murphy. Learn how many people actually trust TV doctors more than their own physicians.

Fictional Physicians Survey


Survey: Florida Voters Say Both Trump and Biden are “Too Old” to Serve as President

We surveyed over 400 Florida residents to learn about voter attitudes on age in politics, including the 2020 presidential election and in congress.

Age in Politics Study


How Seniors and Millennials Date

29% of older adults used a dating app to meet someone in the past year. A new study examines this and other dating trends for millennials and seniors.

Senior Dating Survey


Putting off Health Recommendations - Exploring Americans' Frequency of Doctor Visits

We surveyed over 1,000 people about the frequency with which they visit their primary care physicians and specialists and their reasons for avoiding doctor visits entirely.

Health Recommendations Survey


The Lies Patients and Doctors Tell

47 percent of patients admit to lying to their doctor. A new study reveals the types of lies people tell, how often they lie and how it affects their care.

Patient Doctor Lies Survey


Coronavirus Fears - Millennial vs. Boomers

We surveyed over 500 Millennials and Baby Boomers to learn what scares them most about the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Find out which group reported higher anxiety, and why.​​

Generational Coronavirus Survey​


​Coronavirus and Summer Activities​​

We surveyed over 1,000 Americans to learn how COVID-19 is changing their summer plans, their main fears about public activities and the differences between Republican and Democrat attitudes.

Coronavirus COVID-19 Summer Activities Study


Health Risks and the Super Bowl

Our study explores at-home injuries and cardiac deaths football fans suffer during Super Bowl weekend, and we rank the most dangerous Super Bowl teams of the past 20 years.

Super Bowl Fan Health Study


Obesity Trends by County

Our study ranks all U.S. counties based on their 10-year trends in obesity rates. Find out which counties are growing healthier, and which ones are becoming more obese.

County Obesity 10 Year Trends​

Resource Guides

Resources for Veterans and Their Families

Explore this list of national and local state resources for Veterans to find assistance for things like mental health counseling, federal military benefits, higher education, financial management and more.

Veterans Resource Guide


A Guide to Downsizing for Seniors

Use this guide to learn how to cope with sadness, anxiety and grief as you downsize.

Senior Downsizing Guide


When and How to Enroll in Medicare

This guide explains Medicare sign up periods such as the Medicare Open Enrollment Period as well as local resources you can explore for answers to Medicare coverage questions.

Medicare Enrollment Guide


Finding Help for Health Care Costs

Use this informative guide to find both national and local state resources that can help you with rising health care costs. Find information on Medicare, Medicaid, housing assistance and more.

Health Care Cost Assistance Resource Guide


Senior Isolation: America’s Quietest Health Risk

This guide can help you identify the signs and symptoms of senior isolation and offers a number of local resources for seniors to become more socially connected.

Senior Isolation Resource Guide


10 Benefits of Yoga for Older Adults

There are many benefits to practicing yoga, and several that can be especially beneficial to older adults. Learn about 10 ways yoga can help seniors, and find out how a Medicare Advantage plan can help.

Yoga for Older Adults


Complete Guide to Elder Financial Abuse

Elder financial abuse affects millions of seniors every year and accounts for billions of dollars worth of fraud. Learn how and why it happens, the types of scammers who commit financial abuse and what seniors can do to protect themselves.

Financial Abuse Resource Guide


Latino Health Resource Guide (Available in Spanish and English)

Use this informative guide to explore a wide range of state and national resources for many of the biggest health care risks faced by the Hispanic community, and download our helpful Spanish language translation glossary of important health care and insurance terms.

Guide to Latino Health


Senior Hunger in America

Nearly one in six seniors in America (8 million people) face the threat of hunger or malnourishment. Learn more about the danger of senior hunger and resources that help combat the issue.

Senior Hunger Resource Guide


Senior Guide to Pets

Seniors who own a pet can experience tremendous physical and emotional health benefits. This 2020 resource guide includes over 300 national and state resources that can help you get started adopting a pet.

Senior Pet Resource Guide


Complete Guide to the Flu Vaccine

Up to 61,000 Americans died from the flu in 2018-2019. Find flu vaccine and pneumonia prevention resources in your state to help protect yourself from influenza this year.​​

Flu Vaccine Guide for Seniors


Recognizing Dehydration Symptoms in Seniors: 7 Tips for Prevention​​

People of all ages are at risk for dehydration, but older adults should take extra precaution. Learn the symptoms of dehydration and follow these seven tips to help prevent it. 

Preventing Dehydration for Seniors


Senior Prescription Drug Assistance Guide

There are a number of prescription drug assistance programs that can help patients save on the rising cost of prescription drugs. Learn about eligibility.

Drug Assistance Programs Guide


National Programs for Diabetes Education, Management and Financial Help

Explore this list of national resources for diabetes education, prevention, management, treatment and financial assistance.

Diabetes Resource Guide


7 Medicare Facts Every Veteran Should Know

Many veterans may be unsure about how Medicare works with their VA benefits. Here are seven things every veteran should know about Medicare.

Medicare Resource Guide for Veterans


Fall Prevention Resources

Explore this list of national resources for fall prevention, including exercise classes, home modifications and other health tips.

Senior Guide to Fall Prevention


Alcohol Abuse & Seniors

Learn more about the alcohol abuse problems facing seniors, find out what causes these problems and explore our list of local and national resources to get help finding treatment.

Senior Alcohol Abuse Guide


Coronavirus Resource Guide for Seniors

The COVID-19 coronavirus is affecting people all over the globe, and seniors are at the greatest risk for infection and even death. Seniors can use this resource guide to learn about coronavirus testing and how to stay safe during the outbreak.

2020 Guide to Coronavirus for Seniors


Glaucoma Resource Guide 2020

Explore this list of local and national glaucoma resources. You can also explore support services for people with vision problems through research, assistive technology, financial assistance and more.

Glaucoma Guide