Latino Health Resource Guide
Latinos are the fastest growing ethnic group in the United States, but remain largely underserved from a health care standpoint. Some of the socioeconomic factors that contribute to Hispanics not receiving the health care they need include:
- Language barriers
- Lack of employer health insurance
- Acculturation
- Lack of transportation
- Food/medical/dental deserts
In an effort to help, we’ve compiled a guide full of state and national resources for many of the biggest health care risks faced by the Latino community. Consult our list of nationwide resources from the list below or click on your state to see a list of health care resources near you. Our resources are available in both English and Spanish by clicking on the "En Español" button at the top of the page.
For use at home and when meeting with a health care provider, download the Important Health Care and Insurance Terms glossary (PDF below), which includes important English and Spanish terms that you may need to know when seeking medical help or insurance information.

Browse Resources by State
Select your state
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- District of Columbia
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Browse Resources by Category
General Health
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
As the nation's health protection agency, CDC saves lives and protects people from health, safety and security threats.alimentación.
Phone: 1-(800) 232-4636
Visit websiteMedline Plus Health Library
Find information on health conditions, wellness issues and more in easy-to-read language on MedlinePlus, the up-to-date, trusted health information site from the NIH and the National Library of Medicine.
Phone: 1-(888) 346-3656
Visit websiteOffice of Minority Health Resource Center
The OMH's mission is to improve the health of racial and ethnic populations through the development of effective health policies and programs that help to eliminate disparities in health.
Phone: 1-(240) 453-2882
Visit websiteHealthFinder - U.S. Department of Health & Human Services is a government website where you will find information and tools to help you and those you care about stay healthy.
Phone: 1-(877) 696-6775
Visit websiteNational Minority Quality Forum
A research and educational organization dedicated to ensuring that high-risk racial and ethnic populations and communities receive optimal health care. Their website includes data and expertise in support of initiatives to eliminate health disparities.
Phone: 1-(202) 223-7560
Visit websiteTu Salud Magazine
Tu Salud Magazine serves up honest, cutting-edge information for Latinos/Hispanics on fitness, diet/nutrition, hair health, skin health, sexual health, relationships and family.
Phone: 1-(212) 242-2163
Visit websiteMental Health
National Institute on Mental Health
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is the largest scientific organization in the world dedicated to research focused on the understanding, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders and the promotion of mental health.
Phone: 1-(866) 615-6464
Visit websiteNational Alliance on Mental Health
Resources on a wide range of health topics selected from approximately 1,400 government and non-profit organizations to bring you the best, most reliable health information on the Internet.
Phone: 1-(800) 950-NAMI
Visit websiteNational Suicide Prevention Lifeline
The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones and best practices for professionals.
Phone: 1-(800) 273-8255
Visit provides one-stop access to U.S. government mental health and mental health problems information.
Phone: 1-(877) 696-6775
Visit websiteNational Latino Behavioral Health Association
The NLBHA focuses on influencing national behavioral health policy, eliminating disparities in funding and access to services and improving the quality of services and treatment outcomes for Latino populations.
Phone: 1-(505) 980-5156
Visit websiteSubstance Abuse
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
SAMHSA's mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America's communities.
Phone: 1-(877) SAMHSA-7
Visit websiteNational Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Our mission is to advance science on the causes and consequences of drug use and addiction and to apply that knowledge to improve individual and public health.
Phone: 1-(301) 443-1124
Our mission at is to connect people and their families with the information and resources to help them recover from substance abuse and behavioral disorders.
Phone: 1-(888) 775-8406
Visit websiteSmoke Free is an initiative from the National Cancer Institute to help you or someone you care about quit smoking.
Phone: 1-(800) QUIT-NOW
Visit websiteHelping Young Smokers Quit (HYSQ)
HYSQ initiative was a multi-phase project designed to address the critical need to disseminate effective, developmentally appropriate cessation programs for adolescent smokers.
Visit websiteNorth American Quitline Consortium (NAQC)
NAQC is an international, non-profit membership organization that seeks to promote evidence-based quitline services across diverse communities in North America.
Phone: 1-(800) 398-5489
Visit websiteDomestic Violence
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
For more than 20 years, the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV) has been a comprehensive source of information for those wanting to educate themselves and help others on the many issues related to domestic violence.
Phone: 1-(800) 799-7233
Visit websiteEncuentro Latino (National Institute on Family Violence)
Encuentro Latino is an online clearinghouse for research, training materials, handouts and other resources on domestic violence in Latin America and in Latino/Hispanic immigrant communities in the U.S.
Phone: 1-(800) 799-7233
Visit websiteRape, Abuse, Incest National Network (RAINN)
The National Sexual Assault Hotline was the nation's first decentralized hotline, connecting those in need with help in their local communities. It's made up of a network of independent sexual assault service providers, vetted by RAINN, who answer calls to a single, nationwide hotline number.
Phone: 1-(800) 656-4673
Visit websiteNational Domestic Violence Hotline
We answer the call to support and shift power back to people affected by relationship abuse.
Phone: 1-(800) 799-7233
Visit websiteFamily Planning & Sexual Health
National Institute on Child Health and Health Development
The NCMHEP was created to provide a forum for reviewing, translating and disseminating new research in the field of maternal and child health.
Phone: 1-(800) 370-2943
Visit websiteNational Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association (NFPRHA)
The National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association (NFPRHA), founded in 1971, is a nonprofit membership organization established to ensure access to voluntary, comprehensive and culturally sensitive family planning and reproductive health care services and to support reproductive freedom for all.
Phone: 1-(202) 293-3114
Visit websitePlanned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood delivers vital reproductive health care, sex education and information to millions of people worldwide.
Phone: 1-(800) 230-7526
Visit websiteNational Latina Institute for Reproductive Health (NLIRH)
National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health (NLIRH) builds Latina power to guarantee the fundamental human right to reproductive health, dignity and justice.
Phone: 1-(212) 422-2553
Visit websiteLatino AIDS
The Commission realizes its mission by spearheading health advocacy for Latinos, promoting HIV education, developing model prevention programs for high-risk communities and by building capacity in community organizations.
Phone: 1-(212) 675-3288
Visit websiteNational Coalition for Sexual Health
The National Coalition for Sexual Health is a group of more than 50 leading national health and medical organizations working together to improve sexual health and well-being across the lifespan.
Phone: 1-(202) 741-1535
Visit websiteGet Tested - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
This Web site provides users with locations for HIV, STD and hepatitis testing and STD and hepatitis vaccines around the United States.
Visit websiteAmerican Sexual Health Association (ASHA)
The ASHA promotes the sexual health of individuals, families and communities by advocating sound policies and practices and educating the public, professionals and policy makers, in order to foster healthy sexual behaviors and relationships and prevent adverse health outcomes.
Phone: 1-(919) 361-8400
Visit websiteLatino Best Start
The Latino Best Start project is designed to provide the tools and resources that will support Hispanic-serving community and faith-based grass-roots organizations and efforts to promote, educate and support the practice of exclusive breastfeeding in the Hispanic community.
Phone: 1-(703) 727-6235
Visit websiteNational WIC Association (NWA)
The NWA is the non-profit education arm and advocacy voice of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC).
Phone: 1-(202) 232-5492
Visit websiteDental Health
Mouth Healthy
Mouth Healthy offers dental health information provided on behalf of the American Dental Association.
Visit websiteHispanic Dental Association
As the leading voice for Hispanic oral health we provide service, education, advocacy and leadership for elimination of oral health disparities in the Hispanic community.
Phone: 1-(855) 337-9992
Visit websiteImmunizations
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CDC conducts critical science and provides health information that protects our nation against expensive and dangerous health threats and responds when these arise.
Phone: 1-(800) 232-4636
Visit websiteNational Foundation for Infectious Diseases
Education of the public and healthcare professionals about the causes, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases across the lifespan.
Phone: 1-(301) 656-0003
Visit websiteImmunization Action Coalition
The Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) works to increase immunization rates and prevent disease by creating and distributing educational materials for healthcare professionals and the public that enhance the delivery of safe and effective immunization services.
Phone: 1-(651) 647-9009
Visit websiteSenior Care & Caregiving
Go4Life, an exercise and physical activity campaign from the National Institute on Aging at NIH, is designed to help you fit exercise and physical activity into your daily life.
Phone: 1-(800) 222-2225
Visit websiteNational Institute on Aging
The Institute seeks to understand the nature of aging and the aging process, as well as diseases and conditions associated with growing older, in order to extend the healthy, active years of life.
Phone: 1-(800) 222-2225
Visit websiteNational Council on Aging
We're a respected national leader and trusted partner to help people aged 60+ meet the challenges of aging. We partner with nonprofit organizations, government and businesses to provide innovative community programs and services, online help and advocacy.
Phone: 1-(571) 527-3900
Visit websiteNational Aging in Place Council (NAPC)
We have established a network of professionals from the private, public and non-profit sectors who can help you plan for your future housing and care needs.
Phone: 1-(202) 939-1770
Visit websiteNational Alliance for Caregiving
The Alliance conducts research, does policy analysis, develops national best-practice programs and works to increase public awareness of family caregiving issues.
Phone: 1-(301) 718-8444
Visit websiteNational Caregiving Foundation
The mission of the National Caregiving Foundation is to meet both the direct and indirect needs resulting from the impact of catastrophic diseases on our society.
Visit websiteDisabilities
National Center for Latinos with Disabilities (NCLD)
The CLAS Institute identifies, evaluates, and promotes effective and appropriate early intervention and preschool practices that are sensitive to culturally and linguistically diverse children and families.
Phone: 1-(312) 666-3393
Visit websiteNational Organization on Disability
The National Organization on Disability (NOD) is a private, non-profit organization that promotes the full participation and contributions of America's 57 million people with disabilities in all aspects of life.
Phone: 1-(646) 505-1191
Visit websiteNational Coalition for Latinxs with Disabilities
We work in solidarity to affirm, celebrate and collectively uplift Latinxs with disabilities through community building, advocacy, protection of rights, resources and education.
Visit websiteNational Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC)
Promoting the availability and accessibility of transportation options for older adults, people with disabilities, caregivers and communities.
Phone: 1-(866) 983-3222
Visit websiteChronic Diseases
American Obesity Society
Through TOS's unique position, they lead the charge in advancing the science-based understanding of the causes, consequences, prevention and treatment of obesity.
Phone: 1-(301) 563-6526
Visit websiteNational Alliance for Nutrition and Activity
The National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity (NANA) advocates policies and programs to promote healthy eating and physical activity, with the aim of reducing the illnesses, disabilities, premature deaths and costs caused by diet- and inactivity-related diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity.
Phone: 1-(202) 332-9110
Visit websiteRobert Wood Johnson Foundation
Our mission is to improve the health and health care of all Americans.
Phone: 1-(877) 843-7953
Visit websiteCancer
American Cancer Society
We provide everything from emotional support to the latest cancer information for those who have been touched by cancer. And we do it all 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Phone: 1-(800) 227-2345
Visit websiteNational Cancer Institute
NCI leads, conducts and supports cancer research across the nation to advance scientific knowledge and help all people live longer, healthier lives.
Phone: 1-(800) 422-6237
Visit websiteCancerCare
CancerCare is the leading national organization dedicated to providing free professional support services including counseling, support groups, educational workshops, publications and financial assistance to anyone affected by cancer.
Phone: 1-(800) 813-4673
Visit websiteLatinas Contra Cancer (Latinos Against Cancer)
Latinas Contra Cancer (LCC) was founded to address the void in culturally and linguistically sensitive programs that meet the health care needs of Latinos around issues of cancer.
Phone: 1-(888) 522-8110
Visit websiteStroke
American Stroke Association
We're the nation's leader in CPR education training. We help people understand the importance of healthy lifestyle choices. We provide science-based treatment guidelines to healthcare professionals to help them provide quality care to their patients. We educate lawmakers, policymakers and the public as we advocate for changes to protect and improve the health of our communities.
Phone: 1-(888) 478-7653
Visit websiteNational Stroke Association
We will reduce the incidence and impact of stroke by delivering education and programs focused on prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and support for all impacted by stroke.
Phone: 1-(800) 787-6537
Visit websiteHeart Disease
American Heart Association (AHA)
The American Heart Association is the nation's oldest and largest voluntary organization dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke.
Phone: 1-(800) 242-8721
Visit websiteWomenHeart
WomenHeart's mission is to improve the health and quality of life of women living with or at risk of heart disease, and to advocate for their benefit.
Phone: 1-(202) 728-7199
Visit websiteNational Heart Lung and Blood Institute
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) provides global leadership for a research, training and education program to promote the prevention and treatment of heart, lung and blood disorders and enhance the health of all individuals so that they can live longer and more fulfilling lives.
Visit websiteKidney Disease
National Kidney Foundation
As pioneers of scientific research and innovation, NKF focuses on the whole patient through the lens of kidney health. Relentless in our work, we enhance lives through action, education and accelerating change.
Phone: 1-(855) 653-2273
Visit websiteAmerican Kidney Fund
Our mission is to help people fight kidney disease and live healthier lives, and we fulfill that mission by providing a complete spectrum of programs and services, such as prevention activities, top-rated health educational resources and direct financial assistance.
Phone: 1-(800) 795-3226
Visit websiteDiabetes
National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases
NIDDK research creates knowledge about and treatments for diseases that are among the most chronic, costly and consequential for patients, their families and the nation.
Phone: 1-(800) 242-8721
Visit websiteAmerican Diabetes Association
We lead the fight against the deadly consequences of diabetes and fight for those affected by diabetes.
Phone: 1-(800) 342-2383
Visit websiteLearning About Diabetes
Learning About Diabetes, Inc., is a non-profit charity providing easy-to-understand diabetes-care information in English and Spanish. A special interest is using art and design in novel ways that help those with diabetes better understand and manage their care.
Phone: 1-(520) 561-7100
Visit websiteAmerican Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE)
AADE is a multi-disciplinary professional membership organization dedicated to improving diabetes care through innovative education, management and support.
Phone: 1-(800) 338-3633
Visit websiteEs Tu Diabetes
TuDiabetes is a space on the Web where people with diabetes or their loved ones can find support, help each other and share their experiences and what they do every day to stay healthy with this condition.
Phone: 1-(650) 924-5959
Visit websiteNutrition & Exercise is a USDA-sponsored website that offers credible information to help you make healthful eating choices.
Visit websiteOffice of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) plays a vital role in keeping the Nation healthy. We accomplish this by setting national health goals and objectives and supporting programs, services and education activities that improve the health of all Americans.
Visit websiteInsurance - The Official U.S. Medicare Website
A federal government website managed and paid for by the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Visit - Affordable Care Act National Website
A federal government website managed and paid for by the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Phone: 1-(800) 318-2596
Visit websiteBrowse Resources by State
NAMI Alabama
The mission statement/purpose of NAMI Alabama is to provide support, education and advocacy for persons with mental illnesses, their families and others whose lives are affected by these brain disorders.
Phone: 1-(334) 396-4797
Visit websiteAlabama Division of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Services
Promoting the health and well-being of Alabamians with mental illnesses, developmental disabilities and substance use disorders.
Phone: 1-(334) 242-3962
Visit websiteAlabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ACADV)
The ACADV is a network of community-based programs that provide support and advocacy to survivors of domestic violence and their children.
Phone: 1-(800) 650-6522
Visit websiteFamily Planning Program
The mission of the Alabama Department of Public Health is to promote, protect and improve the health of individuals and communities of Alabama.
Phone: 1-(800) 545-1098
Visit websiteOral Health Coalition of Alabama (Alabama Public Health)
The Oral Health Coalition of Alabama strives to develop new and innovative programs which will continue to promote the oral health and well being of all Alabama residents.
Phone: 1-(334) 206-5300
Visit websiteAlabama Department of Senior Services
The Alabama Department of Senior Services (ADSS) is a cabinet level state agency that administers programs for senior citizens and people with disabilities.
Phone: 1-(800) 243-5463
Visit websiteAlabama Public Health
The mission of the Alabama Department of Public Health is to promote, protect and improve the health of individuals and communities of Alabama.
Phone: 1-(334) 206-5300
Visit websiteAlabama Division of Insurance
Our mission is to serve the people of Alabama by regulating the insurance industry, providing consumer protection, promoting market stability and enforcing fire safety standards and laws.
Phone: 1-(334) 269-3550
Visit websiteAlaska
NAMI Alaska
NAMI Alaska is the state-wide umbrella organization for Alaska's four regional National Alliance on Mental Illness affiliates.
Phone: 1-(907) 272-0227
Visit websiteAlaska Department of Health & Social Services
The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) is sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
Phone: 1-(907) 269-5948
Visit websiteAlaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
The Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault promotes and sustains a collective movement to end violence and oppression through social change.
Phone: 1-(907) 586-3650
Visit websiteDivision of Public Health Section of Women's, Children's and Family Health
The Mission of Women's, Children's and Family Health is to promote optimum health outcomes for all Alaskan women, children, teens and their families.
Phone: 1-(800) 799-7570
Visit websiteAlaska Oral Health Program
The Alaska Oral Health Program provides leadership to improve oral health for all Alaskans.
Phone: 1-(907) 269-3400
Visit websiteAlaska Commission on Aging
The mission of the Alaska Commission on Aging is to ensure the dignity and independence of all older Alaskans, and to assist them in leading useful and meaningful lives through planning, advocacy, education and interagency cooperation.
Phone: 1-(907) 465-3347
Visit websiteAlaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program
The Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program improves access to and availability of affordable, healthy foods.
Phone: 1-(907) 269-8447
Visit websiteAlaska Division of Insurance
The Alaska Division of Insurance is a regulatory agency headed by the Director of Insurance. Our most important function is consumer protection, which includes oversight of the financial conditions of insurers.
Phone: 1-(907) 465-2515
Visit websiteArizona
NAMI Arizona
NAMI Arizona is dedicated to serving individuals and families affected by mental illness to improve their quality of life and achieve recovery.
Phone: 1-(602) 244-8166
Visit websiteSubstance Abuse Arizona (Office of the AZ Governor)
The Arizona Substance Abuse Partnership (ASAP) is authorized under Executive Order 2013-05 to serve as the single statewide council on substance abuse prevention, enforcement, treatment and recovery efforts.
Phone: 1-(602) 542-4043
Visit websiteArizona Coalition to End Sexual & Domestic Violence
The goal of the Arizona CESDV is to increase public awareness about the issues of sexual and domestic violence, enhance the safety of and services for sexual and domestic violence victims and survivors and end sexual and domestic violence in Arizona communities.
Phone: 1-(602) 279-2900
Visit websiteArizona Family Health Partnership
The Arizona Family Health Partnership provides, promotes and protects access to comprehensive quality reproductive healthcare services and education for all Arizonans, regardless of income, through its support and monitoring of regional healthcare providers.
Phone: 1-(602) 258-5777
Visit websiteArizona Oral Health Coalition
The Arizona Oral Health Coalition is a statewide coalition dedicated to promoting oral health through leadership, policy development and advocacy.
Phone: 1-(602) 288-7548
Visit websiteArizona Division of Aging and Adult Services
The Division supports at-risk Arizonans to meet their basic needs and to live safely, with dignity and independence.
Phone: 1-(602) 542-1290
Visit websiteArizona Department of Health Services
The Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity works to reduce hunger, increase breastfeeding, and decrease obesity throughout Arizona.
Phone: 1-(602) 542-1886
Visit websiteArizona Department of Insurance
Our mission is to promote a strong insurance marketplace through consumer protection, sound financial regulation, and economic development.
Phone: 1-(800) 325-2548
Visit websiteArkansas
NAMI Arkansas
NAMI Arkansas operates a statewide organization providing and coordinating a network of local support groups providing support, education, and advocacy throughout the state.
Phone: 1-(501) 661-1548
Visit websiteDivision of Behavioral Health Services
The Division of Behavioral Health Services is responsible for ensuring the provision of public behavioral health services, including mental health and substance abuse prevention, treatment and recovery services.
Phone: 1-(501) 686-9164
Visit websiteArkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ACADV)
The Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ACADV) is a nonprofit organization that has served both rural and urban areas of Arkansas since its inception in 1981.
Phone: 1-(501) 907-5612
Visit websiteArkansas Department of Health
Family Planning Services are provided to teens, women, men and couples, making it possible for them to choose the number and spacing of their children and to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
Phone: 1-(501) 661-2000
Visit websiteArkansas Oral Health Coalition, Inc.
To promote life-long, optimum oral health for all Arkansans through primary prevention, education, accessible and culturally competent community-based oral health care and informed policy development.
Phone: 1-(501) 661-2051
Visit websiteArkansas Division of Aging and Adult Services
The mission of the Division of Aging and Adult Services is to promote the health, safety, and independence of older Arkansans and adults with physical disabilities.
Phone: 1-(866) 801-3435
Visit websiteArkansas Department of Health
The Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) provides guidance, support and expertise to the Arkansas Coalition for Obesity Prevention.
Phone: 1-(501) 661-2000
Visit websiteArkansas Insurance Department
The primary mission of the department shall be consumer protection through insurer solvency and market conduct regulation, and fraud prosecution and deterrence.
Phone: 1-(800) 282-9134
Visit websiteArkansas Coalition for Obesity Prevention
ArCOP's mission is to improve the health of all Arkansas communities by increasing physical activity and healthy eating to reduce and prevent obesity.
Phone: 1-(501) 712-2002
Visit websiteCalifornia
California Partnership to End Domestic Violence
As an advocate for social change, we advance our mission by shaping public policy, increasing community awareness, and strengthening our members' capacity to work toward our common goal of advancing the safety and healing of victims, survivors and their families.
Phone: 1-(914) 444-7163
Visit websiteCalifornia Department of Aging
The California Department of Aging (CDA) administers programs that serve older adults, adults with disabilities, family caregivers and residents in long-term care facilities throughout the State.
Phone: 1-(916) 419-7500
Visit websiteCalifornia Department of Insurance
Consumers, insurance companies and licensees rely on CDI to ensure that insurance products and services are available to consumers in a timely manner, and that they deliver fair and equal benefits.
Phone: 1-(800) 927-4357
Visit websiteColorado
NAMI Colorado
Our focus is to connect, educate, and support the mental health issues and needs of today. NAMI Colorado has 15 local affiliate organizations across the state.
Phone: 1-(303) 321-3104
Visit websiteOffice of Behavioral Health
The OBH purchases services to prevent and treat mental health and substance use disorders through contracts with behavioral health providers.
Phone: 1-(303) 866-5700
Visit websiteViolence Free Colorado
Violence Free Colorado works in partnership with communities throughout Colorado to increase Coloradans' awareness and understanding of domestic violence.
Phone: 1-(303) 831-9632
Visit websiteColorado Department of Public Health & Environment
Our goal is to reduce unintended pregnancy by ensuring all Coloradans have access to affordable, quality contraceptive and reproductive health services.
Phone: 1-(303) 692-2000
Visit websiteOral Health Colorado
At OHCO, we create meaningful partnerships with organizations, networks and influencers to clear the path to excellent oral health for all Coloradans.
Phone: 1-(970) 324-1635
Visit websiteColorado Department of Human Services
Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) connects you to assistance, resources and support for living independently in our state.
Phone: 1-(303) 866-5700
Visit websiteDepartment of Public Health and Environment
The mission of the Department of Public Health and Environment is to protect and improve the health of Colorado's people and the quality of its environment.
Phone: 1-(303) 692-2000
Visit websiteColorado Division of Insurance
We help consumers by answering their questions, investigating their complaints, and helping them to understand their insurance. We regulate and monitor the insurance companies in Colorado, as well as insurance agents, making sure everyone is following the law.
Phone: 1-(800) 930-3745
Visit websiteConnecticut
NAMI Connecticut
NAMI Connecticut provides support, education, and advocacy to all Connecticut citizens affected by mental illness.
Phone: 1-(860) 882-0236
Visit websiteDepartment of Mental Health and Addiction Services
DMHAS is the state's lead agency for the prevention and treatment of alcohol and other substance abuse.
Phone: 1-(860) 418-6962
Visit websiteConnecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence
We are a membership organization of Connecticut's 18 domestic violence service agencies that provide critical support to victims including counseling, support groups, emergency shelter, court advocacy, safety planning and lethality assessment, among other services.
Phone: 1-(888) 774-2900
Visit websiteConnecticut Childbirth & Women's Center
The Connecticut Childbirth & Women's Center is a privately owned, midwifery led freestanding birth center located across the street from Danbury Hospital.
Phone: 1-(203) 748-6000
Visit websiteConnecticut Oral Health Initiative (COHI)
Through advocacy, coalition building and education, COHI works to create a public conscience that results in oral health for all.
Phone: 1-(860) 246-COHI
Visit websiteConnecticut Department on Aging
The mission of the State Department on Aging is to empower older adults to live full independent lives, and to provide leadership on aging issues on behalf of older adults, families, caregivers and advocates.
Phone: 1-(860) 424-5274
Visit websiteNutrition, Physical Activity & Obesity Prevention Program
The Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity Program is committed to supporting education and public health policies, system's and environmental change strategies aimed at reducing obesity.
Phone: 1-(860) 509-8251
Visit websiteConnecticut Insurance Department
Keeping the public well informed is essential to our mission of protecting consumers.
Phone: 1-(800) 203-3447
Visit websiteDelaware
NAMI Delaware
NAMI Delaware is a statewide organization of families, mental health consumers, friends, and professionals dedicated to improving the quality of life for those affected by life-changing brain diseases such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depression.
Phone: 1-(302) 427-0787
Visit websiteDivision of Substance Abuse and Mental Health
DSAMH provides public drug and alcohol treatment services for adults, primarily through contracts with private agencies.
Phone: 1-(302) 255-9399
Visit websiteDelaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence (DCADV)
To promote conditions that prevent and eliminate domestic violence by educating its members and community partners, providing informational resources to the community and advocating as a strong, unified voice for victims/survivors of domestic violence, children who are affected, domestic violence programs and victim service providers.
Phone: 1-(302) 658-2958
Visit websiteDelaware Division of Public Health
Under Title X of the Public Health Services Act, the Division of Public Health offers a wide range of reproductive health services and supplies to both women and men.
Phone: 1-(302) 744-4703
Visit websiteDelaware Oral Health Coalition
The Division of Public Health's mission is to protect and promote the health of all people in Delaware.
Phone: 1-(302) 744-4554
Visit websiteDelaware Division of Services for Aging and Adults
The Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities advocates for, provides access to and coordinates long-term services and supports in the most appropriate setting.
Phone: 1-(800) 223-9074
Visit websiteHealthy Delaware
Healthy Delaware promotes a healthy lifestyle for people in Delaware.
Phone: 1-(800) 222-2189
Visit websiteDelaware Department of Insurance
Protecting Delawareans through regulation and education while providing oversight of the insurance industry to best serve the public.
Phone: 1-(800) 282-8611
Visit websiteDistrict Of Columbia
The mission of NAMI DC is to support and educate family, friends, the public and persons with a diagnosis of serious mental illness, and to advocate for the development of services.
Phone: 1-(202) 546-0646
Visit websiteSubstance Use Disorder Assessment and Referral Center (ARC)
The Assessment and Referral Center (ARC) provides same day assessment and referral for individuals seeking treatment for substance use disorders.
Phone: 1-(888) 793-4357
Visit websiteDC Coalition Against Domestic Violence
DCCADV is the federally-recognized statewide coalition of domestic violence programs, organizations and individuals organized to ensure the elimination of domestic violence in the District of Columbia.
Phone: 1-(202) 299-1181
Visit websiteMetropolitan Family Planning
These services are provided by your local family planning clinic that is staffed by experienced counselors. You will be pleased to know that there are many different options available to help you plan ahead for the future.
Phone: 1-(301) 423-3313
Visit websiteDC Pediatric Oral Health Coalition (Children's National)
The mission of Children's National Health System is to excel in care, advocacy, research and education.
Phone: 1-(888) 884-2327
Visit websiteDistrict of Columbia Office on Aging
The Commissioners serve as advocates on behalf of the District's nearly 108,000 elderly and accomplish their responsibilities through outreach to individuals and institutions, as well as to groups and governments.
Phone: 1-(202) 724-5626
Visit websiteDepartment of Health
The Department of Health offers a number of programs to help DC residents to choose and get the foods they need to be healthy.
Phone: 1-(202) 442-9397
Visit websiteDC Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking
The mission of the Department of Insurance, Securities, and Banking is to protect consumers by providing equitable, thorough, efficient and prompt regulatory supervision of the financial services companies, firms and individuals operating in the District of Columbia.
Phone: 1-(202) 727-8000
Visit websiteFlorida
NAMI Florida
NAMI Florida works with state and federal agencies and elected officials to promote recovery and improved treatment for individuals who have a mental illness and their families.
Phone: 1-(850) 671-4445
Visit websiteSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Program
The SAMH Program is responsible for the oversight of a statewide system of care for the prevention, treatment and recovery of children and adults with serious mental illnesses or substance abuse disorders.
Phone: 1-(866) 762-2237
Visit websiteFlorida Counseling Centers
We conduct individual, couples, family and group counseling with individuals from all walks of life and have a multidisciplinary staff that has specialized training in treating children, adolescents and adults.
Phone: 1-(321) 259-1662
Visit websiteFlorida Coalition Against Domestic Violence
The mission of the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence is to work towards ending violence through public awareness, policy development and support for Florida's domestic violence centers.
Phone: 1-(850) 425-2749
Visit websiteFlorida Department of Health
Individuals have access to FDA-approved birth control methods and supplies. Abstinence counseling, information and education, including abstinence counseling, is available to all who want and are in need of services.
Phone: 1-(850) 245-4475
Visit websiteOral Health Florida
The Oral Health Florida coalition is comprised of a broad-based group of agencies, institutions, organizations, communities, stakeholders, policymakers, leaders and other individuals whose mission is to promote and advocate for optimal oral health and well-being of all persons in Florida.
Phone: 1-(251) 533-1798
Visit websiteFlorida Department of Elder Affairs
The Florida Department of Elder Affairs is the primary state agency administering human services programs to benefit Florida's elders.
Phone: 1-(850) 414-2000
Visit websiteHealthiest Weight Florida
Healthiest Weight Florida is a public-private collaboration bringing together state agencies, not for profit organizations, businesses and entire communities to help Florida's children and adults make consistent, informed choices about healthy eating and active living.
Phone: 1-(850) 245-4444
Visit websiteFlorida Office of Insurance Regulation
The Office serves Floridians through its responsibilities for regulation, compliance and enforcement of statutes related to the business of insurance.
Phone: 1-(850) 413-3140
Visit websiteGeorgia
NAMI Georgia
The mission of NAMI Georgia is to empower affiliates to create communities where all affected by mental illnesses find hope, help and acceptance through support, education and advocacy.
Phone: 1-(770) 234-0855
Visit websiteDepartment of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities
The Georgia DBHDD provides treatment and support services to people with mental health challenges and substance use disorders
Phone: 1-(800) 715-4225
Visit websiteGeorgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence
We empower survivors and the programs that serve them, we educate the public, and we advocate for responsive public policy. Our strength is in numbers, as we collaborate throughout Georgia to stop domestic violence.
Phone: 1-(800) 334-2836
Visit websiteGeorgia Department of Public Health
Our Family Planning program offers comprehensive health care services designed to provide women support with planning when to have children, reduce unintended pregnancies, determine effective birth control methods and improve the wellbeing of families statewide.
Phone: 1-(800) 436-7442
Visit websiteGeorgia Oral Health Coalition
It is the mission of the Georgia Oral Health Coalition to increase access to dental care, prevent and reduce dental caries, periodontal disease, oral-facial trauma and tobacco use, and detect oral cancer in early stages and reduce its incidence, thus improving oral health and quality of life for all Georgians.
Phone: 1-(404) 657-6639
Visit websiteGeorgia Community Care Services Program
The Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS) Division of Aging Services (DAS) supports the larger goals of DHS by assisting older individuals, at-risk adults, persons with disabilities, their families and caregivers to achieve safe, healthy, independent and self-reliant lives.
Phone: 1-(404) 657-5258
Visit websiteGeorgia Department of Public Health
The Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) is the lead agency in preventing disease, injury and disability; promoting health and well-being; and preparing for and responding to disasters from a health perspective.
Phone: 1-(404) 657-2700
Visit websiteGeorgia Office of Insurance
Our vision is to have a well-trained workforce, utilizing state of the art technology to facilitate regulation, coordination and uniformity among state regulators and provide public access to services and fire safety information that results in a consumer friendly and competitive market place.
Phone: 1-(800) 656-2298
Visit websiteHawaii
NAMI Hawaii State
We provide support, education and advocacy for all people affected by mental illnesses.
Phone: 1-(808) 591-1297
Visit websiteAlcohol and Drug Abuse Division
ADAD's treatment efforts are designed to promote a statewide culturally appropriate, comprehensive system of services to meet the treatment and recovery needs of individuals and families.
Phone: 1-(808) 692-7506
Visit websiteHawaii State Coalition Against Domestic Violence
HSCADV engages communities and organizations to end domestic violence through education, advocacy and action for social justice.
Phone: 1-(808) 832-9316
Visit websiteWomen's Options Center, Division of Family Planning
The physicians at the University Women's Health Specialists' Women's Options Center in Honolulu provide care for women seeking contraceptive counseling, abortion, treatment for miscarriage or fetal death and pregnancy termination due to health problems of the fetus (baby) or mother.
Phone: 1-(808) 203-6561
Visit websiteHawaiian Islands Oral Health Task Force
HIPHI is a non-profit hub for health, bringing community-based organizations, government, academia, foundations and business together to improve the quality of life for the people of Hawaii.
Phone: 1-(808) 733-8358
Visit websiteHawaii Aging and Disability Programs
The mission of the Department of Health is to protect and improve the health and environment for all people in Hawaii.
Phone: 1-(808) 586-4400
Visit websiteHealthy Hawaii Initiative
HHI focuses on population-wide policy, systems and environmental changes to increase opportunities for physical activity and access to nutritious foods in Hawaii.
Phone: 1-(808) 586-4400
Visit websiteHawaii Insurance Division
The Insurance Division is responsible for overseeing the insurance industry in the State of Hawaii, which includes insurance companies, insurance agents, self-insurers and captives.
Phone: 1-(808) 586-2790
Visit websiteIdaho
NAMI Idaho
NAMI Idaho's mission is to improve the quality of life for all those affected by mental illness through support, education, advocacy and research.
Phone: 1-(800) 950-6264
Visit websiteSubstance Use Disorder Services Program
The Division of Behavioral Health's Substance Use Disorder Services Program can provide assistance if you need help with a drug or alcohol problem. Interpreter services and language assistance are available for anyone, including those with limited English speaking ability.
Phone: 1-(800) 922-3406
Visit websiteIdaho Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence
Our mission is to engage voices to create change in the prevention, intervention and response to domestic violence, dating abuse, stalking and sexual assault.
Phone: 1-(208) 384-0419
Visit websiteIdaho Public Health
We serve as the region's public health leader to prevent disease, promote healthy lifestyles and protect and prepare the public against health threats.
Phone: 1-(208) 748-0400
Visit websiteIdaho Oral Health Alliance
The mission of the IOHA is to lead collaborative efforts to bring optimal oral health to Idahoans through education, advocacy and program development.
Phone: 1-(208) 994-9058
Visit websiteIdaho Commission on Aging
The Idaho Commission on Aging (ICOA) serves Idaho's seniors, people with disabilities and their caregivers by safeguarding their rights, fostering self-sufficiency, providing counseling and advocating on their behalf.
Phone: 1-(800) 926-2588
Visit websiteIdaho Physical and Nutrition Program
Through a diverse array of partnerships, IPAN focuses on strategies and practices that make healthy eating and active living the easy, default choice in Idaho communities.
Phone: 1-(208) 334-5627
Visit websiteIdaho Department of Insurance
The mission of the Department of Insurance is to serve and protect Idahoans by equitably, effectively and efficiently administering the Idaho Insurance Code and the International Fire Code.
Phone: 1-(800) 721-3272
Visit websiteIllinois
NAMI Illinois
NAMI Illinois (National Alliance on Mental Illness) is a not-for-profit membership organization created to improve the lives of individuals and families challenged by mental illness. In collaboration with NAMI National, Illinois affiliates and other like-minded organizations, we influence public policies, provide up to date education and support programs and increase public awareness and understanding of mental illness.
Phone: 1-(217) 522-1403
Visit websiteDivision of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse
The Department of Human Services supports and offers treatment services for alcoholism and addiction through an extensive treatment provider network throughout the State of Illinois.
Phone: 1-(800) 843-6154
Visit websiteIllinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence
ICADV builds networks of support for and with survivors and advances statewide policies and practices that transform societal attitudes and institutions to eliminate and prevent domestic abuse.
Phone: 1-(217) 789-2830
Visit websiteIllinois Department of Human Services
The Family Planning Program provides medical, social and educational services related to the avoidance, achievement, timing and spacing of pregnancy.
Phone: 1-(800) 843-6154
Visit websiteIFLOSS Coalition
Our mission is to improve the oral health of all Illinois residents through advocacy and education.
Phone: 1-(217) 321-2616
Visit websiteIllinois Division of Aging
The mission of the Illinois Department on Aging is to serve and advocate for older Illinoisans and their caregivers by administering quality and culturally appropriate programs that promote partnerships and encourage independence, dignity and quality of life.
Phone: 1-(800) 252-8966
Visit websiteIllinois Alliance to Prevent Obesity
IAPO is a multi-sector coalition that works for equitable and just opportunities for Illinoisans to eat healthy and be physically active to optimize their health and well-being.
Phone: 1-(312) 850-4744
Visit websiteIllinois Department of Insurance
The mission of the Department of Insurance is to protect consumers by providing assistance and information, by efficiently regulating the insurance industry's market behavior and financial solvency and by fostering a competitive insurance marketplace.
Phone: 1-(312) 814-2420
Visit websiteIndiana
NAMI Indiana
NAMI Indiana facilitates education, support and advocacy programs to improve the quality of life for people living with serious mental illnesses, their families, and their friends.
Phone: 1-(317) 925-9399
Visit websiteDivision of Mental Health and Addiction
The Division of Mental Health and Addiction certifies all addiction treatment providers in the state of Indiana. Find addiction treatment in Indiana.
Phone: 1-(800) 662-4357
Visit websiteIndiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence
ICADV works for the prevention and elimination of domestic violence until the violence ends.
Phone: 1-(317) 917-3685
Visit websiteIndiana State Department of Health
We assist women and their families to control fertility and to improve clients' reproductive and general health through a family planning program.
Phone: 1-(317) 233-1300
Visit websiteIndiana Oral Health Coalition
We promote and provide essential public health services to improve the oral health of the people of Indiana.
Phone: 1-(317) 233-1325
Visit websiteIndiana Division of Aging
Indiana's Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) provide case management, information, and referrals to various services for persons who are aging or developmentally disabled.
Phone: 1-(888) 673-0002
Visit websiteIndiana State Department of Health
The Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity (DNPA) provides statewide leadership for healthy eating and active living strategies that works to reduce the burden of being overweight, obesity and related chronic diseases.
Phone: 1-(317) 234-3580
Visit websiteIndiana Department of Insurance
The purpose of the Indiana Department of Insurance is to protect Hoosiers as they purchase and use insurance products to keep their assets and their families protected from loss or harm.
Phone: 1-(317) 232-2385
Visit websiteIowa
Dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with mental illness and their families through support, education, and advocacy.
Phone: 1-(515) 254-0417
Visit websiteYour Life Iowa
You can get help for alcohol, drug and gambling problems, suicidal thoughts and more from experts dedicated to the health of Iowans.
Phone: 1-(855) 581-8111
Visit websiteIowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence
The Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence seeks to engage all people in a movement to change the social and political systems that perpetuate violence. We do this through education, advocacy and quality services.
Phone: 1-(515) 244-8028
Visit websiteIowa Department of Human Services
The FPP helps with the cost of family planning related services. The FPP is a state-funded DHS program which replaced the Iowa Family Planning Network (IFPN) program.
Phone: 1-(800) 972-2017
Visit websiteLifelong Smiles Coalition
The Lifelong Smiles Coalition was formed to increase access to oral health care for older Iowans. The group consists of state agencies, advocacy organizations, trade associations, health professionals, academic institutions and funders.
Phone: 1-(515) 281-7689
Visit websiteIowa Department on Aging
The mission of the Iowa Department on Aging is to develop a comprehensive, coordinated and cost-effective system of long-term living and community support services that helps individuals maintain health and independence in their homes and communities.
Phone: 1-(515) 725-3333
Visit websiteIowa Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity
The Bureau of Nutrition and Physical Activity ensures Iowans have the opportunity to live a healthy lifestyle by providing education and resources, building partnerships and supporting communities.
Phone: 1-(800) 532-1579
Visit websiteIowa Insurance Division
The Iowa Insurance Division is the state regulator which supervises all insurance business transacted in the state of Iowa.
Phone: 1-(515) 281-5705
Visit websiteKansas
NAMI Kansas
NAMI Kansas is a state-wide organization of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, a self-help membership association of individuals living with mental illness, their family members and friends, dedicated to improving the lives of those affected by mental illnesses.
Phone: 1-(800) 539-2660
Visit websiteThe Behavioral Health System in Kansas
The Behavioral Health System in Kansas offers an array of services for persons and communities in need of prevention, treatment and recovery services.
Phone: 1-(866) 645-8216
Visit websiteKansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence
Our mission is to provide leadership in preventing and responding to sexual violence through collaborating, sharing and creating resources and promoting research.
Phone: 1-(785) 232-9784
Visit websiteKansas Department of Health and Environment
Our goal is to protect and improve the health and environment of all Kansans.
Phone: 1-(785) 296-1205
Visit websiteOral Health Kansas, Inc.
Our mission is to improve oral health in Kansas through advocacy, public awareness and education.
Phone: 1-(785) 235-6039
Visit websiteKansas Department for Aging and Disability Services
The Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services' mission is to foster an environment that promotes security, dignity and independence for all Kansans.
Phone: 1-(785) 296-4986
Visit websiteKansas Insurance Department
The major functions of the department are to regulate and review companies for financial solvency and regulatory compliance, educate consumers, assist consumers, and license agents selling insurance products in the state.
Phone: 1-(800) 432-2484
Visit websiteKentucky
NAMI Kentucky
NAMI Kentucky is a state wide organization that works across a broad array of policy and advocacy issues to advocate for effective and timely treatment to help prevent suicides, violence, homelessness and incarceration.
Phone: 1-(606) 677-4066
Visit websiteAdult Substance Abuse Treatment and Recovery Services Branch
The Adult Substance Abuse Treatment and Recovery Services Branch is composed of several special initiatives and programs, including KIDS NOW Plus, Medication Assisted Treatment, Oxford Houses, military and Driving Under the Influence (DUI) services.
Phone: 1-(502) 564-4456
Visit websiteKentucky Coalition Against Domestic Violence
The Kentucky Coalition Against Domestic Violence mobilizes and supports member programs and allies to end intimate partner violence.
Phone: 1-(502) 209-5382
Visit websiteKentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services
The Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) is home to most of the state's human services and health care programs, including Medicaid, the Department for Community Based Services and the Department for Public Health.
Phone: 1-(800) 462-6122
Visit websiteKentucky Oral Health Coalition
Kentucky Oral Health Coalition (KOHC) is a group of concerned citizens, advocates and professionals working together to improve oral health across Kentucky.
Phone: 1-(502) 895-8167 ext. 114
Visit websiteKentucky Department of Aging and Independent Living
To preserve individual dignity, self respect and independence of Kentucky's elders and individuals with disabilities through leadership, education and delivery of programs and services.
Phone: 1-(502) 564-6930
Visit websitePartnership for a Fit Kentucky
We focus our efforts on improving access to healthy foods and physical activity, preventing obesity in early care and education settings and schools and improving overall wellness in worksites.
Phone: 1-(502) 564-9358
Visit websiteKentucky Department of Insurance
We promote sound, competitive insurance markets, protect the public through effective enforcement and regulations and empower the public through outreach and education.
Phone: 1-(800) 595-6053
Visit websiteLouisiana
NAMI Louisiana
NAMI Louisiana is dedicated to eradicating the stigma, myths and misconceptions of mental illnesses, to improving the quality of life for all who are affected by these illnesses and to supporting recovery.
Phone: 1-(225) 291-6262
Visit websiteOffice of Behavioral Health
The Office of Behavioral Health (OBH) manages and delivers the services and supports necessary to improve the quality of life for citizens with mental illness and addictive disorders.
Phone: 1-(225) 342-9500
Visit websiteLouisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Our goal is to eliminate domestic violence through public education, systems change, social change and public policy, and to promote and strengthen quality comprehensive services for member programs and all individuals affected by domestic violence.
Phone: 1-(225) 752-1296
Visit websiteLouisiana Department of Health
This program aims to reduce female and infant mortality, morbidity and teen pregnancy by providing disease screening, health education, counseling and contraceptive methods. Individuals and families are also provided with information regarding reproductive health.
Phone: 1-(225) 342-9500
Visit websiteLouisiana Oral Health Coalition
Well-Ahead Louisiana is an initiative started by the Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) aimed at improving the health and wellness of Louisiana residents.
Phone: 1-(844) 522-4323
Visit websiteLouisiana Aging and Adult Services
The Louisiana Department of Health protects and promotes health and ensures access to medical, preventive and rehabilitative services for all citizens of the State of Louisiana.
Phone: 1-(225) 342-9500
Visit websiteLouisiana Department of Health
The Louisiana Department of Health protects and promotes health and ensures access to medical, preventive and rehabilitative services for all citizens of the State of Louisiana.
Phone: 1-(225) 342-9500
Visit websiteLouisiana Department of Insurance
The Louisiana Department of Insurance (LDI) works diligently to balance the needs of insurance consumers with the insurance industry's need to run a competitive business.
Phone: 1-(800) 259-5300
Visit websiteMaine
NAMI Maine
Through support, education and advocacy, NAMI Maine is dedicated to building better lives for the one in four Mainers who are affected by mental illness.
Phone: 1-(207) 622-5767
Visit websiteOffice of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
The Maine Office of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services is the single state administrative authority responsible for the planning, development, implementation, regulation and evaluation of substance abuse and mental health.
Phone: 1-(207) 287-2595
Visit websiteMaine Coalition To End Domestic Violence
MCEDV builds partnerships that promote public policy, education and systems advocacy to create and encourage a social, political and economic environment that fosters communities where the diversity, dignity and contributions of all are respected and celebrated, and domestic abuse and violence no longer exist.
Phone: 1-(207) 430-8334
Visit websiteMaine Family Planning
Our mission is to ensure that all Maine people have access to high-quality, affordable reproductive health care, comprehensive sexual health education and the right to control their reproductive lives.
Phone: 1-(207) 922-3222
Visit websiteMaine Oral Health Coalition
The Maine Oral Health Coalition (MDAC) is a public-private partnership focused on improving access to oral health care.
Phone: 1-(207) 622-7566 ext. 232
Visit websiteMaine Office of Aging and Disability Services
OADS supports Maine's older and disabled adults by providing adult protective and other community services to the people of Maine.
Phone: 1-(207) 287-9200
Visit websiteMaine Division of Disease Prevention
We work with partners across the state to promote changes that make active living and healthy eating the easy choice.
Phone: 1-(207) 287-7108
Visit websiteMaine Bureau of Insurance
The Maine Bureau of Insurance regulates the insurance industry to protect and to serve the public.
Phone: 1-(207) 624-8475
Visit websiteMaryland
NAMI Maryland
NAMI Maryland provides educational resources and events, statewide outreach, advocacy and affiliate organizational support.
Phone: 1-(410) 884-8691
Visit websiteBehavioral Health Administration
The BHA will, through publicly-funded services and support, promote recovery, resiliency, health and wellness for individuals who have or are at risk for emotional, substance related, addictive and/or psychiatric disorders.
Phone: 1-(877) 463-3464
Visit websiteMaryland Network Against Domestic Violence
MNADV is the state domestic violence coalition whose common purpose is reducing intimate partner and family violence and its harmful effects on our citizens.
Phone: 1-(301) 429-3601
Visit websiteMaryland Department of Health
Maryland's Family Planning Program provides clinical and related services to approximately 78,000 women and men each year at clinics located in every county.
Phone: 1-(410) 767-6500
Visit websiteMaryland Dental Action Coalition
The mission of the Maryland Dental Action Coalition is to develop and maintain a statewide partnership of individuals and organizations working together to improve the health of all Marylanders through increased oral health promotion, disease prevention, education, advocacy and access to oral health care.
Phone: 1-(410) 312-5456
Visit websiteMaryland Department of Aging
The Maryland Department of Aging helps establish Maryland as an attractive location for all older adults through vibrant communities and supportive services that offer the opportunity to live healthy and meaningful lives.
Phone: 1-(410) 767-1100
Visit websiteMaryland Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Our mission is to empower members to be Maryland's food and nutrition leaders. Our vision is to optimize the health and well-being of Marylanders through food and nutrition.
Phone: 1-(410) 929-0764
Visit websiteMaryland Insurance Administration
The agency's goal is to provide efficient, effective service to both the consumers of insurance products and the insurance industry.
Phone: 1-(800) 492-6116
Visit websiteMassachusetts
NAMI Massachusetts
The mission of NAMI Massachusetts is to improve the quality of life both for people with mental illnesses and for their families.
Phone: 1-(617) 580-8541
Visit websiteBureau of Substance Addiction Services
BSAS oversees the statewide system of prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery support services for individuals, families and communities affected by gambling and substance addiction.
Phone: 1-(617) 624-5111
Visit websiteJane Doe, Inc./Massachusetts Coalition Against Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence
Jane Doe Inc. (JDI) is a statewide membership coalition, an advocacy organization, a catalyst for change and so much more. Offering unparalleled leadership in Massachusetts, we are changing the way society views and reacts to sexual and domestic violence in ways that make our communities safer today and for future generations.
Phone: 1-(617) 248-0922
Visit websiteMassachusetts Health and Human Services
These agencies provide education and outreach to communities within their region and can respond to specific requests from members of the community for workshops, materials or training.
Phone: 1-(617) 573-1600
Visit websiteBetter Oral Health for Massachusetts Coalition
The Better Oral Health for Massachusetts Coalition (BOHMAC) is a statewide organization dedicated to improving, promoting and protecting the oral health of Massachusetts residents.
Phone: 1-(617) 988-2263
Visit websiteMassachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs
The Office of Elder Affairs promotes independence, empowerment and well-being of older people, individuals with disabilities and their families.
Phone: 1-(617) 727-7750
Visit websiteMassOptions Food and Nutrition Programs
Food and Nutrition programs and services promote access to food and proper nutrition through home-delivered meals, nutritional counseling and financial assistance for food shopping.
Phone: 1-(844) 422-6277
Visit websiteMassachusetts Division of Insurance
The primary mission of the Division of Insurance is to monitor the solvency of its licensees in order to promote a healthy, responsive and willing marketplace for consumers who purchase insurance products.
Phone: 1-(617) 521-7794
Visit websiteMichigan
NAMI Michigan
NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to improving the lives of persons living with serious mental illness and their families. Founded in 1979, NAMI has become the nation's voice on mental illness, a nationwide organization with affiliates in every state and in more than 1,100 local communities across the country.
Phone: 1-(517) 485-4049
Visit websiteOffice of Recovery Oriented Systems of Care
The OROSC focuses on the delivery of specialty behavioral health services including prevention, treatment and recovery efforts across the lifespan of individuals and families.
Phone: 1-(517) 335-2300
Visit websiteMichigan Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
We are dedicated to the empowerment of all the state's survivors of domestic and sexual violence, and we are developing and promoting efforts aimed at the elimination of all domestic and sexual violence in Michigan.
Phone: 1-(517) 347-7000
Visit websiteMichigan Department of Health and Human Services
Michigan's Family Planning Program provides high quality reproductive health care to women, men and teens at low or no cost.
Phone: 1-(855) 275-6424
Visit websiteMichigan Oral Health Coalition
The Michigan Oral Health Coalition's mission is to improve oral health in Michigan by focusing on prevention, health promotion, oral health data, access and the link between oral health and overall health.
Phone: 1-(517) 827-0466
Visit websiteMichigan Department of Health and Human Services
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) aims to prevent and control obesity and other chronic diseases by promoting healthful eating and physical activity and supporting policies and environmental strategies that support healthy behaviors.
Phone: 1-(517) 373-3740
Visit websiteMichigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services
Through adaptability and consumer communication, the staff members of the Department of Insurance and Financial Services strive to be the preeminent financial service regulators in the United States.
Phone: 1-(877) 999-6442
Visit websiteMinnesota
NAMI Minnesota
NAMI Minnesota vigorously promotes the development of community mental health programs and services, improved access to services, increased opportunities for recovery, reduced stigma and discrimination and increased public understanding of mental illness.
Phone: 1-(888) 626-4435
Visit websiteBehavioral Health Division
The Behavioral Health Division of the Minnesota Department of Human Services is the state authority overseeing substance abuse prevention and treatment.
Phone: 1-(651) 431-2460
Visit websiteMinnesota Coalition For Battered Women
The mission of the Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women is to provide a voice for battered women and member programs, challenge systems and institutions so they respond more effectively to the needs of battered women and their children, promote social change and support, educate and connect member programs.
Phone: 1-(651) 646-6177
Visit websiteMinnesota Department of Health
Family planning services include counseling and education, preconception care, screening and laboratory tests and all FDA approved methods of contraception.
Phone: 1-(651) 201-5000
Visit websiteMinnesota Oral Health Coalition
Minnesota's statewide oral health organization is dedicated to education, advocacy, awareness and collaboration.
Phone: 1-(763) 381-1701
Visit websiteMinnesota Office of Aging and Adult Services
Aging and Adult Services administers state and federal programs that provide protective services, supportive assistance and alternative housing arrangements for older persons and vulnerable adults.
Phone: 1-(651) 431-2000
Visit websiteMinnesota Department of Health
MDH and its public health and community partners work to increase access to and the selection of healthy foods to improve health and reduce chronic diseases for all by implementing community-based healthy eating strategies.
Phone: 1-(651) 201-5000
Visit websiteMinnesota Commerce Department
Our mission is to protect the public interest, advocate for Minnesota consumers, ensure a strong, competitive and fair marketplace, strengthen the state's economic future and serve as a trusted public resource for consumers and businesses.
Phone: 1-(651) 539-1742
Visit websiteMississippi
NAMI Mississippi
NAMI Mississippi is made up of family members, peers, behavioral health professionals and friends working to accomplish our mission through mutual support, education, advocacy and research.
Phone: 1-(800) 357-0388
Visit websiteBureau of Alcohol and Drug Services
The Bureau of Alcohol and Drug Services is responsible for establishing, maintaining, monitoring and evaluating a statewide system of alcohol and drug use services, including prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.
Phone: 1-(877) 210-8513
Visit websiteMississippi Coalition Against Domestic Violence
The mission of Mississippi Coalition Against Domestic Violence is to bring about social change through advocacy, technical assistance and public awareness.
Phone: 1-(601) 981-9196
Visit websiteMississippi State Department of Health
We provide a wide range of confidential and professional reproductive health services to both men and women, regardless of income.
Phone: 1-(601) 576-7400
Visit websiteMississippi Oral Health Community Alliance
Mississippi Oral Health Community Alliance unites dental professionals with community advocates to improve the oral health of all Mississippians.
Visit websiteMississippi Aging and Adult Services
The mission of the Division of Aging and Adult Services is to protect the rights of older citizens while expanding their opportunities and access to quality services.
Phone: 1-(800) 345-6347
Visit websiteMississippi State Department of Health
Mississippi's State Board of Health was established in 1877 to protect and advance health throughout Mississippi and became the Mississippi State Department of Health in 1982.
Phone: 1-(601) 576-7400
Visit websiteMississippi Insurance Department
Our aim is to create the highest degree of economic security, quality of life, public safety and fire protection for the state's citizens at the lowest possible cost.
Phone: 1-(800) 562-2957
Visit websiteMissouri
NAMI Missouri
NAMI Missouri is committed to advocating at the local, state and national levels for non-discriminatory access to quality healthcare, housing , education and employment for people with mental illness.
Phone: 1-(573) 634-7727
Visit websiteDivision of Behavioral Health
The Division of Behavioral Health is responsible for assuring the availability of substance use prevention, treatment and recovery support services for the State of Missouri.
Phone: 1-(800) 575-7480
Visit websiteMissouri Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
The Missouri Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence (MCADSV) unites Missourians with a shared value that rape and abuse must end, and advances this through education, alliance, research and public policy.
Phone: 1-(573) 634-4161
Visit websiteMissouri Family Health Council
To champion access for every individual to culturally sensitive, quality, sexual and reproductive health education and services.
Phone: 1-(573) 636-4060
Visit websiteMissouri Coalition for Oral Health, Inc.
The Missouri Coalition for Oral Health's mission is to improve the oral health of Missourians. Learn how you can participate or contribute towards this important cause.
Phone: 1-(573) 638-3816
Visit websiteMissouri Department of Health and Senior Services
The program encourages Missourians to eat more fruits and vegetables and to increase the availability of fruits and vegetables at home, school, work and other places where food is served.
Phone: 1-(573) 522-2820
Visit websiteMissouri Department of Insurance
Through the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), U.S. insurance regulators establish national standards and best practices, conduct peer reviews and coordinate their regulatory oversight to better protect the interests of consumers while ensuring a strong, viable insurance marketplace.
Phone: 1-(573) 751-4126
Visit websiteMontana
NAMI Montana
NAMI Montana supports, educates and advocates for Montanans with mental illnesses and their families.
Phone: 1-(406) 443-7871
Visit websiteAddictive and Mental Disorders Division
The mission of the AMDD is to implement and improve an appropriate statewide system of prevention, treatment, care and rehabilitation for Montanans with mental disorders or addictions to drugs or alcohol.
Phone: 1-(406) 444-3964
Visit websiteMontana Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
Incorporated in 1986, the Montana Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence (MCADSV) is a statewide coalition of individuals and organizations working together to end domestic and sexual violence through advocacy, public education, public policy and program development.
Phone: 1-(406) 443-7794
Visit websiteMontana Department of Public Health and Human Services
Montana's Family Planning Program aims to improve women's and men's sexual and reproductive health and reduce the rate of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.
Phone: 1-(406) 444-3609
Visit websiteMontana Oral Health Program
The mission of the Montana Oral Health Program is to improve the oral health of Montanans through prevention and education.
Phone: 1-(406) 444-2660
Visit websiteMontana Senior and Long-Term Care Division
Our mission is to advocate and promote dignity and independence for older Montanans and Montanans with disabilities by providing information, education and assistance; planning, developing and providing for quality long-term care services and operating within a cost effective service delivery system.
Phone: 1-(406) 444-0273
Visit websiteMontana Nutrition and Physical Activity Program
The Montana Nutrition and Physical Activity (NAPA) Program's mission is to make active living and healthy eating easier everywhere Montanans live, work, learn and play.
Phone: 1-(406) 444-5622
Visit websiteMontana Commisioner of Securities and Insurance
The Office of the Montana State Auditor, Commissioner of Securities and Insurance (CSI) is a criminal justice agency that protects Montana's consumers by ensuring fairness, transparency and access for Montanans in two of Montana's largest industries of securities and insurance.
Phone: 1-(800) 332-6148
Visit websiteNebraska
NAMI Nebraska
NAMI Nebraska provides statewide support to families and friends of individuals with mental illness.
Phone: 1-(402) 345-8101
Visit websiteDivision of Behavioral Health
The Division of Behavioral Health directs the administration and coordination of the public behavioral health system to address prevention and treatment of mental health and substance use disorders.
Phone: 1-(402) 471-3121
Visit websiteNebraska Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence
The Nebraska Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence enhances safety and justice by changing the beliefs that perpetuate domestic violence and sexual assault.
Phone: 1-(877) 215-0167
Visit websiteNebraska Department of Health and Human Services
Provides reproductive heath education and comprehensive medical services that are an integral part of prevention and good health.
Phone: 1-(402) 471-3980
Visit websiteNebraska DHHS Office of Oral Health and Dentistry
Since 1949, the Nebraska DHHS Office of Oral Health and Dentistry (OOHD) has worked to improve the wellbeing of all Nebraskans by promoting oral health through educational campaigns, increasing access to preventive services and reducing barriers to dental care.
Phone: 1-(402) 471-2101
Visit websiteNebraska Seniors and Aging
The Department of Health and Human Services team contributes to the lives and health of Nebraskans every day.
Phone: 1-(402) 471-3121
Visit websiteNebraska Department of Health and Human Services
The Nutrition and Activity for Health (NAFH) Prevention Works Program coordinates statewide efforts aimed to improve nutrition and physical activity behaviors of all Nebraskans.
Phone: 1-(402) 471-2101
Visit websiteNebraska Department of Insurance
Our goal is to safeguard those affected by the business of insurance through the fulfillment of our statutory obligations and by promoting the fair and just treatment of all parties to insurance transactions.
Phone: 1-(402) 471-2201
Visit websiteNevada
NAMI Nevada
NAMI Nevada is the state organization that coordinates regional affiliates to educate, advocate for and support individuals and families living with mental illness.
Phone: 1-(775) 470-5600
Visit websiteSubstance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Agency
The Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Agency (SAPTA) administers programs and activities that provide community-based prevention and treatment.
Phone: 1-(775) 784-8090
Visit websiteNevada Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence
Our mission is to be a statewide voice advocating for the prevention and elimination of domestic and sexual violence through partnering with communities.
Phone: 1-(775) 828-1115
Visit websiteSouthern Nevada Health District
The Family Planning Clinic is a low-cost clinic for Clark County residents who need birth control or who want to plan and space their pregnancies. Confidential services are offered, and parental permission is not required.
Phone: 1-(702) 759-1000
Visit websiteOral Health Nevada Inc.
Our goal is to improve the oral health of all Nevadans, especially those who are the most vulnerable, by expanding access to affordable preventive and restorative services, promoting oral health education and expanding communication and support through diverse partnerships.
Phone: 1-(775) 621-5527
Visit websiteNevada Aging and Disability Services
The mission of ADSD is to ensure the provision of effective supports and services to meet the needs of individuals and families, helping them lead independent, meaningful and dignified lives.
Phone: 1-(775) 687-4210
Visit websiteNevada Department of Agriculture
The purpose of the Child Nutrition Program is to assist local school districts and other nonprofit sponsors in assuring that students are well-nourished, healthy and ready to learn.
Phone: 1-(775) 353-3758
Visit websiteNevada Division of Insurance
To protect the rights of Nevada consumers in their experiences with the insurance industry and to ensure the financial solvency of insurers.
Phone: 1-(775) 687-0700
Visit websiteNew Hampshire
NAMI New Hampshire
Comprised of a network of affiliate chapters and support groups, staff and volunteers, NAMI NH provides information, education and support to all families and communities affected by mental illness.
Phone: 1-(603) 225-5359
Visit websiteBureau of Drug and Alcohol Services
The BDAS mission is to join individuals, families and communities in reducing alcohol and other drug problems, thereby increasing opportunities for citizens to achieve health and independence.
Phone: 1-(603) 271-6738
Visit websiteNew Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
We create safe and just communities through advocacy, prevention and empowerment of anyone affected by sexual violence, domestic violence and stalking.
Phone: 1-(603) 224-8893
Visit websiteNew Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
Family Planning programs offer healthcare to help a person prevent a pregnancy or to have a healthy baby.
Phone: 1-(800) 852-3345
Visit websiteNew Hampshire Oral Health Coalition
Our mission is to promote optimal oral health for the people of New Hampshire. Our vision is to ensure the people of New Hampshire attain optimal oral health.
Phone: 1-(603) 415-5550
Visit websiteNew Hampshire State Committee on Aging
The members of the State Committee on Aging identify concerns of older citizens and make recommendations to the Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services (BEAS) regarding policy and procedures to best protect the well being, rights and quality of life of older citizens.
Phone: 1-(603) 271-9203
Visit websiteNew Hampshire Obesity Prevention Program
The goal of the Obesity Prevention Program is to prevent and control obesity and other chronic diseases through the promotion and adoption of policies to increase healthy eating and physical activity in a variety of settings.
Phone: 1-(844) 275-3447
Visit websiteNew Hampshire Insurance Department
The mission of the New Hampshire Insurance Department is to promote and protect the public good by ensuring the existence of a safe and competitive insurance marketplace through the development and enforcement of the insurance laws of the State of New Hampshire.
Phone: 1-(603) 271-2261
Visit websiteNew Jersey
NAMI New Jersey
We are dedicated to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness.
Phone: 1-(732) 940-0991
Visit websiteDivision of Mental Health and Addiction Services
Treatment services in New Jersey range from detoxification services and outpatient care to short- and long-term residential treatment.
Phone: 1-(844) 276-2777
Visit websiteNew Jersey Coalition for Battered Women
We are a statewide association that provides leadership, support and resources on the prevention of domestic violence in New Jersey through advocacy, education and training, technical assistance and community awareness.
Phone: 1-(609) 584-8107
Visit websiteNew Jersey Family Planning League
The New Jersey Family Planning League is committed to providing access to high quality family planning and reproductive health services to the women, men and adolescents who need them.
Phone: 1-(973) 622-2425
Visit websiteNew Jersey Dental Association
The official site for oral health news and information for NJ. The NJDA provides benefits to its member dentists and the latest in dental news for the public.
Phone: 1-(732) 821-9400
Visit websiteNew Jersey Division of Aging Services
The Division of Aging and Community Services administers programs for senior citizens and their caregivers.
Phone: 1-(800) 792-8820
Visit websiteState of New Jersey Department of Health
The New Jersey Council on Physical Fitness and Sports (NJCPFS) promotes public awareness of the importance of and opportunities for physical fitness and sports activities to achieve healthier lifestyles.
Phone: 1-(609) 292-2209
Visit websiteNew Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance
The mission of the Department of Banking and Insurance is to regulate the banking, insurance and real estate industries in a professional and timely manner that protects and educates consumers and promotes the growth, financial stability and efficiency of those industries.
Phone: 1-(800) 446-7467
Visit websiteNew Mexico
NAMI New Mexico
NAMI-New Mexico is an effective mental health organization dedicated to empowering and enlightening New Mexico's diverse population through advocacy, education and support.
Phone: 1-(505) 260-0154
Visit websiteNetwork of Care for Behavioral Health
Network of Care helps you find what you need and helps ensure that there is "No Wrong Door" for those who need services.
Phone: 1-(855) 662-7474
Visit websiteNew Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence
The New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NMCADV) works to achieve a coordinated local, regional and statewide response to domestic violence through a collaborative network of member programs that consist of domestic violence service providers and other allied organizations and individuals.
Phone: 1-(505) 246-9240
Visit websiteNew Mexico Department of Health
Our mission is to promote health and wellness, improve health outcomes and assure safety net services for all people in New Mexico.
Phone: 1-(505) 476-8882
Visit websiteNew Mexico Office of Oral (OOH) Health
The New Mexico Office of Oral (OOH) Health goal is to increase the awareness of families, individuals, and organizations as to the importance of good oral health.
Phone: 1-(505) 827-0837
Visit websiteNew Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services
The New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department (ALTSD) provides accessible, integrated services to older adults, adults with disabilities and caregivers to assist them in maintaining their independence, dignity, autonomy, health, safety and economic well-being, thereby empowering them to live on their own terms in their own communities as productively as possible.
Phone: 1-(800) 432-2080
Visit websiteHealthy Kids New Mexico
Healthy Kids New Mexico creates healthy environments and programs to give kids what they need to play well, eat well, learn well and live healthy and full lives.
Phone: 1-(505) 476-7623
Visit websiteNew Mexico Office of Superintendent of Insurance (OSI)
The mission of the OSI is to provide consumers with convenient access to reliable insurance products which are underwritten by dependable and financially sound companies.
Phone: 1-(855) 427-5674
Visit websiteNew York
NAMI New York State
NAMI New York State provides support and education for individuals, family and friends living with mental illness.
Phone: 1-(518) 462-2000
Visit websiteOffice of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services
OASAS oversees one of the nation's largest addiction services systems with approximately 1,600 prevention, treatment and recovery programs.
Phone: 1-(518) 473-3460
Visit websiteNew York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence
The New York State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NYSCADV) provides training, support, technical assistance and advocacy to local direct service domestic violence programs across New York State.
Phone: 1-(800) 942-6908
Visit websiteNew York State Department of Health
The New York State Department of Health funds 48 agencies in more than 170 sites that provide accessible, confidential reproductive health care services to women, men and adolescents, especially low-income individuals and those without health insurance. In many cases, services are provided at no charge.
Phone: 1-(800) 522-5006
Visit websiteNew York State Oral Health Coalition
We are the statewide Oral Health Coalition for New York. We advocate for better oral health policy and practice for all New Yorkers.
Phone: 1-(518) 462-7040
Visit websiteNew York Office for the Aging
Our mission is to help older New Yorkers be as independent as possible for as long as possible through advocacy, development and delivery of person-centered, consumer-oriented and cost-effective policies, programs and services which support and empower older adults and their families, in partnership with the network of public and private organizations which serve them.
Phone: 1-(844) 697-6321
Visit websiteNew York Department of Health
The Division of Nutrition serves low-income pregnant women, breastfeeding and new mothers, infants, preschool children, school-age children who live in high-risk areas, people in need of emergency food assistance, adults at risk for chronic disease, persons with AIDS, the frail elderly, children up to age 18 and functionally impaired adults in day care.
Phone: 1-(212) 417-4200
Visit websiteNew York Department of Financial Services
Our mission is to reform the regulation of financial services in New York to keep pace with the rapid and dynamic evolution of these industries, to guard against financial crises and to protect consumers and markets from fraud.
Phone: 1-(800) 342-3736
Visit websiteNorth Carolina
NAMI North Carolina
The mission of NAMI North Carolina is to provide support, education, advocacy and public awareness so that all affected by mental illness can build better lives.
Phone: 1-(919) 788-0801
Visit websiteDepartment of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse
Substance Use Disorder services help to prevent misuse of alcohol and other drugs and to help people with substance use disorders get the treatment they need to live a life in recovery.
Phone: 1-(919) 855-4800
Visit websiteNorth Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence
The North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCCADV) leads the state's movement to end domestic violence (DV) and to enhance work with survivors.
Phone: 1-(919) 956-9124
Visit websiteNC Public Health: Women's and Children's Health
The mission of the Women's and Children's Health Section (WCH) is to assure, promote and protect the health and development of families with emphasis on women, infants, children and youth.
Phone: 1-(919) 707-5510
Visit websiteNorth Carolina Oral Health Collaborative
Our collective work is to ensure that all North Carolinians have access to quality dental care, provided by someone they trust, in a timely and compassionate manner, regardless of geographic residence, socioeconomic background, race and ethnicity, age or mental/physical ability.
Phone: 1-(919) 821-0485 ext. 233
Visit websiteNorth Carolina Division of Aging and Adult Services
The Division of Aging and Adult Services is responsible for planning, administering, coordinating and evaluating activities and programs for older adults.
Phone: 1-(919) 855-4800
Visit websiteEat Smart, Move More NC
Our goal is to reverse the rising tide of obesity and chronic disease among North Carolinians by helping them to eat smart, move more and achieve a healthy weight.
Visit websiteNorth Carolina Department of Insurance
The Department of Insurance has trained experts who can answer questions about health, life, Medicare, homeowners, auto, disability, long-term care, dental, vision and other types of insurance coverage.
Phone: 1-(855) 408-1212
Visit websiteNorth Dakota
NAMI North Dakota
Our mission is to improve the lives of individuals, families and friends affected by mental illness.
Visit websiteNorth Dakota Behavioral Health Division
The Behavioral Health Division provides leadership for the planning, development and oversight of the state's behavioral health system.
Phone: 1-(701) 328-8920
Visit websiteNorth Dakota Council on Abused Women's Services
Our mission is to provide leadership and support in the identification, intervention and prevention of domestic and sexual violence.
Phone: 1-(701) 255-6240
Visit websiteNorth Dakota Family Planning
The goal of our family planning clinics is to provide education and services to better equip you to make decisions that could affect you, your partner and your family for the rest of your life.
Phone: 1-(800) 472-2286
Visit websiteNorth Dakota Oral Health Coalition
The North Dakota Oral Health Coalition is a chartered, collaborative, statewide coalition comprised of a variety of public and private agencies, organizations and individuals focused on improving the oral health of North Dakotans.
Phone: 1-(701) 214-7817
Visit websiteNorth Dakota Department of Human Services
To provide quality, efficient and effective human services, which improve the lives of people.
Phone: 1-(701) 328-2310
Visit websiteNorth Dakota Department of Health
The Division of Family Health and Nutrition promotes healthy eating and physical activity in order to prevent and reduce overweight, obesity and related chronic diseases in North Dakota.
Phone: 1-(701) 328-2496
Visit websiteNorth Dakota Insurance Department
We are committed to vigorous consumer protection efforts while fostering a strong, competitive marketplace that provides consumers with choices and access to high-quality insurance products and services at competitive prices.
Phone: 1-(800) 247-0560
Visit websiteOhio
Ohio's largest grassroots mental health organization is dedicated to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness.
Phone: 1-(614) 224-2700
Visit websiteDepartment of Mental Health and Addiction Services
OhioMHAS supports access to treatment options that we know are effective, while also balancing efforts toward prevention and recovery supports.
Phone: 1-(877) 275-6364
Visit websiteOhio Domestic Violence Network
The Ohio Domestic Violence Network advances the principles that all people have the right to an oppression and violence free life, fosters changes in our economic, social and political systems and brings leadership, expertise and best practices to community programs.
Phone: 1-(614) 781-9651
Visit websiteFamily Planning Association of Northeaster Ohio
The Family Planning Association of Northeast Ohio, Inc. dedicates itself to reproductive health care services. We promote informed decision-making and personal choice about parenthood and sexuality in a confidential and compassionate manner.
Phone: 1-(888) 891-4943
Visit websiteOral Health Ohio
Oral Health Ohio is a coalition of statewide partners who educate and advocate to improve our state's oral and overall health.
Phone: 1-(513) 768-6137
Visit websiteOhio Department of Aging
The Ohio Department of Aging's mission is to position the State of Ohio on the leading edge of solution-driven innovation for the challenges and opportunities facing our growing and changing aging population. We coordinate a robust aging network with an array of services and supports for older adults and their families throughout the lifespan.
Phone: 1-(800) 266-4346
Visit websiteOhio Department of Health
ODH's mission is to protect and improve the health of all Ohioans by preventing disease, promoting good health and assuring access to quality care.
Phone: 1-(614) 466-3543
Visit websiteOhio Department of Insurance
The mission of the Ohio Department of Insurance is to provide consumer protection through education and fair but vigilant regulation while promoting a stable and competitive environment for insurers.
Phone: 1-(800) 686-1526
Visit websiteOklahoma
NAMI Oklahoma
NAMI Oklahoma is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals living with mental illness and their loved ones.
Phone: 1-(405) 601-8283
Visit websiteOklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
The Department contracts with 130 substance use disorder treatment providers, operates 3 state residential treatment facilities and is in partnerships with 4 advocacy organizations.
Phone: 1-(405) 522-3908
Visit websiteOklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
The mission of the Oklahoma Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault is to organize and mobilize member programs to prevent and eliminate sexual and domestic violence and stalking in the State of Oklahoma and in Indian Country.
Phone: 1-(405) 524-0700
Visit websiteOklahoma State Department of Health
The Family Planning Program is designed to provide men and women with the means and opportunity to determine the number and spacing of their children. Any man or woman who are still of childbearing age are eligible for this program.
Phone: 1-(580) 371-2470
Visit websiteOklahoma Oral Health Coalition
The Coalition's mission is to impact the oral health of Oklahoma's children and their families by facilitating collaboration, coordination and education.
Phone: 1-(405) 271-5502
Visit websiteOklahoma Aging Services Division
The Aging Services Division (ASD) helps develop systems that support independence and help protect the quality of life for older persons as well as promotes citizen involvement in planning and delivering services.
Phone: 1-(405) 521-2281
Visit websiteOklahoma Nutrition Information Education Project
ONIE aims to improve the health of Oklahoma families by offering various nutrition and physical activity information and education materials throughout the state.
Phone: 1-(405) 271-2091
Visit websiteOklahoma Insurance Commissioner
Our goal is to provide Oklahomans with the resources needed to make sound decisions about the products and services offered by the entities OID regulates.
Phone: 1-(800) 522-0071
Visit websiteOregon
NAMI Oregon
NAMI Oregon is the state chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. We are a statewide grassroots organization that is dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals living with mental illness, as well as their families and loved ones.
Phone: 1-(800) 343-6264
Visit websiteHealth Systems Division
The Health Systems Division (HSD) envisions a healthy Oregon where mental health disorders and addiction to substances and or gambling are prevented through education, early intervention and access to appropriate health care.
Phone: 1-(503) 945-5772
Visit websiteOregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
The Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence promotes equity and social change in order to end violence for all communities. We seek to transform society by engaging diverse voices, supporting the self-determination of survivors and providing leadership for advocacy efforts.
Phone: 1-(503) 230-1951
Visit websiteOregon Health Authority
The Oregon Reproductive Health Program works with clinics across the state to offer free or low-cost reproductive health services and birth control.
Phone: 1-(800) 375-2863
Visit websiteOregon Oral Health Coalition
Our mission is to serve as the central source for advocacy, information and communication about oral health issues in Oregon and to organize stakeholders' individual strengths into a collective power for oral health.
Phone: 1-(971) 224-3018
Visit websiteOregon Aging and People with Disabilities
Our mission is to help Oregonians in their own communities achieve wellbeing and independence through opportunities that protect, empower, respect choice and preserve dignity.
Phone: 1-(503) 945-5600
Visit websiteOregon Health Authority
The state Public Health Division works with local partners across Oregon on community solutions to help increase healthy food choices and connect people to places and opportunities where they can be regularly active.
Phone: 1-(503) 947-2340
Visit websiteOregon Department of Financial Regulation
The Division of Financial Regulation oversees the financial and insurance industries in Oregon.
Phone: 1-(866) 814-9710
Visit websitePennsylvania
NAMI Keystone Pennsylvania
NAMI Keystone Pennsylvania is a 501(c)(3) grassroots, nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of children, adolescents, adults and families affected by mental illness through recovery-focused support, education and advocacy.
Phone: 1-(412) 366-3788
Visit websitePA Get Help Now
The Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs mission is to engage, coordinate and lead the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's effort to prevent and reduce drug, alcohol and gambling addiction and abuse.
Phone: 1-(800) 662-4357
Visit websitePennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence is a statewide collaborative membership organization committed to ending intimate partner violence and all forms of violence against women.
Phone: 1-(717) 545-6400
Visit websitePennsylvania Department of Human Services
The Family Planning Services program in Pennsylvania provides services, information and counseling on health care for women, men and teens. Services are free or low-cost and are always confidential.
Phone: 1-(800) 537-8862
Visit websitePennsylvania Coalition for Oral Health
Advancing policies and practices that increase access to oral health services, education and prevention, especially for our most vulnerable Pennsylvanians.
Phone: 1-(724) 972-7242
Visit websitePennsylvania Department of Aging
We are responsible for the administration of all aging programs and services for the commonwealth, and we promote prevention and protection for older Pennsylvanians.
Phone: 1-(717) 783-1550
Visit websitePennsylvania Department of Health
The Department of Health provides information and resources for Pennsylvania residents to support healthier lifestyle choices and opportunities.
Phone: 1-(717) 787-2500
Visit websitePennsylvania Insurance Department
It is our responsibility to administer the laws of this commonwealth as they pertain to the regulation of the insurance industry in order to protect you, the insurance consumer.
Phone: 1-(877) 881-6388
Visit websitePuerto Rico
NAMI Puerto Rico
NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
Phone: 1-(703) 524-7600
Visit websiteAdministration of Mental Health and Anti-Addiction Services (ASSMCA)
The ASSMCA guarantees the provision of prevention services, treatment and rehabilitation in the area of mental health, including substance abuse.
Phone: 1-(800) 981-0023
Visit websiteProFamilias
For decades, ProFamilias has developed extensively and has offered over one million clinical services around the Island.
Phone: 1-(787) 766-0000
Visit websiteDepartamento de Salud de Puerto Rico
The Puerto Rico Department of Health provides information for health professionals, service providers, researchers, students and the general public to help residents learn more about their health.
Phone: 1-(787) 765-2929
Visit websitePuerto Rico Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
The Office of the Insurance Commissioner of Puerto Rico provides insurance information to residents of Puerto Rico.
Phone: 1-(866) 874-4905
Visit websiteRhode Island
NAMI Rhode Island
The mission of NAMI Rhode Island is to educate the public about mental illness, to offer resources and support to all whose lives are touched by mental illness, to advocate at every level to ensure the rights and dignity of those with mental illness and to promote research in the science and treatment of mental illness.
Phone: 1-(401) 331-3060
Visit websiteDivision of Behavioral Healthcare Services
The Division of Behavioral Healthcare monitors mental health treatment, substance abuse treatment, prevention and recovery services across Rhode Island.
Phone: 1-(401) 462-3201
Visit websiteRhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence
The purpose of the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence is to eliminate domestic violence in Rhode Island. Our mission is to support and enhance the work of our member agencies and to provide leadership on the issue of domestic violence.
Phone: 1-(401) 467-9940
Visit websiteState of Rhode Island Department of Health
Our mission is to increase access to federally funded, high-quality reproductive health and family planning services to men, women and teenagers.
Phone: 1-(401) 222-5960
Visit websiteRhode Island Oral Health Commission
Our mission is to prevent disease and protect and promote the health and safety of the people of Rhode Island.
Phone: 1-(401) 222-5960
Visit websiteRhode Island Division of Elderly Affairs
Our programs and services empower seniors, preserve independence and enrich lives.
Phone: 1-(401) 462-3000
Visit websiteState of Rhode Island Department of Health
We promote health and the prevention of chronic disease through good nutrition and physical activity throughout the life course.
Phone: 1-(401) 222-5960
Visit websiteRhode Island Department of Business Regulation
The Department's primary function is the implementation of state laws mandating the regulation and licensing of designated businesses, professions, occupations and other specified activities.
Phone: 1-(401) 462-9520
Visit websiteSouth Carolina
NAMI South Carolina
Our mission is to improve the quality of life for individuals who live with mental illnesses and for their families by promoting the availability of effective services and resources, through education, support and advocacy.
Phone: 1-(800) 788-5131
Visit websiteDepartment of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services
DAODAS coordinates a statewide system of local substance abuse agencies that provide prevention, treatment, and recovery services.
Phone: 1-(803) 896-5555
Visit websiteSouth Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
We work towards ending domestic and sexual violence in South Carolina and beyond through engaging individuals and communities in advocacy, collaboration and education.
Phone: 1-(803) 256-2900
Visit websiteSouth Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC)
Family Planning services include pap smears when indicated, contraceptive services, pregnancy testing and counseling, abstinence education, sexually transmitted infection services, preconception health services and much more.
Phone: 1-(855) 472-3432
Visit websiteSouth Carolina Oral Health Coalition (SCOHC)
The SC Oral Health Coalition (SCOHC) is comprised of a diverse group of stakeholders from private practice, public health, health care, academia and communities who are familiar with practice issues related to health care.
Phone: 1-(803) 898-3432
Visit websiteSouth Carolina Office on Aging
The purpose of the Lieutenant Governor's Office on Aging is to enhance the quality of life for seniors in South Carolina.
Phone: 1-(803) 734-9900
Visit websiteSouth Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
The SC Department of Health and Environmental Control works with partners across the state to address nutrition, physical activity, obesity and other chronic conditions. These efforts include direct education, lifestyle interventions and policy, systems and environmental changes.
Phone: 1-(803) 898-3432
Visit websiteSouth Carolina Department of Insurance
The mission of the State of South Carolina Department of Insurance is to protect the insurance consumers, the public interest and the insurance marketplace by ensuring the solvency of insurers by enforcing and implementing the insurance laws of this State and by regulating the insurance industry in an efficient, courteous, responsive, fair and equitable manner.
Phone: 1-(803) 737-6160
Visit websiteSouth Dakota
NAMI South Dakota
The mission of NAMI South Dakota is to provide education, support and advocacy for families and individuals affected by mental illness.
Phone: 1-(605) 271-1871
Visit websiteDivision of Behavioral Health
The Division of Behavioral Health accredits and contracts with addiction treatment agencies across the state to provide quality services to both adults and youth.
Phone: 1-(605) 773-3123
Visit websiteSouth Dakota Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
The South Dakota Coalition Ending Domestic and Sexual Violence (SDCEDSV) is dedicated to the reclamation of the respected, autonomous and safe status of women who have been battered/raped and their children, and therefore is committed to the elimination of personal and societal violence in the lives of women and their children.
Phone: 1-(605) 945-0869
Visit websiteSouth Dakota Department of Health
The South Dakota Family Planning Program provides services to all people capable of reproduction who need and desire family planning. Participation is voluntary.
Phone: 1-(800) 738-2301
Visit websiteSouth Dakota Oral Health Coalition
It is the mission of the South Dakota Dental Association to promote the art and science of dentistry and the oral health of the public, educate the public on the benefits of quality preventive and restorative dentistry as provided by the entire dental health care team and be of service to its members regarding practice health and their general welfare.
Phone: 1-(605) 224-9133
Visit websiteSouth Dakota Department of Social Services
Our mission is strengthening and supporting individuals and families by promoting cost effective and comprehensive services in connection with our partners that foster independent and healthy families.
Phone: 1-(605) 773-3165
Visit websiteHealthySD
Visit us often for inspiration and tips on how to live better and grow stronger.
Phone: 1-(800) 738-2301
Visit websiteSouth Dakota Division of Insurance
The mission of the Division of Insurance is to protect the public by providing quality assistance, providing fair industry regulation, and promoting healthy and competitive insurance and investment markets in South Dakota.
Phone: 1-(605) 773-3563
Visit websiteTennessee
NAMI Tennessee
NAMI Tennessee is a grassroots, non-profit, self-help organization made up of people with mental illness, their families and community members. We are dedicated to improving quality of life for people with mental illness and their families through support, education and advocacy.
Phone: 1-(800) 467-3589
Visit websiteTennessee Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services
The TCDMHSAS is responsible for planning, setting policy and quality standards, system monitoring and evaluation, and advocating for persons of all ages who have mental illness, serious emotional disturbance, or substance abuse disorders.
Phone: 1-(800) 560-5767
Visit websiteTennessee Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
The mission of the Coalition is to end domestic and sexual violence in the lives of Tennesseans and to change societal attitudes and institutions that promote and condone violence, through public policy advocacy, education and activities that increase the capacity of programs and communities to address such violence.
Phone: 1-(615) 386-9406
Visit websiteMiddle Tennessee Oral Health Coalition
To improve the oral health and therefore the overall health of the dentally underserved in Middle Tennessee by bringing together providers, public sector agencies, academia and community-based organizations to advocate, build capacity, collaborate and coordinate service efforts.
Phone: 1-(615) 942-1238
Visit websiteThe Division of Family Health and Wellness
Family Health and Wellness programs are provided in all 95 Tennessee counties through a network of local and regional health departments.
Phone: 1-(615) 741-0227
Visit websiteTennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance
The Department of Commerce and Insurance is committed to serving Tennesseans in the areas of community, safety and service.
Phone: 1-(615) 741-2241
Visit websiteTexas
NAMI Texas
NAMI Texas has nearly 2,000 members made up of individuals living with mental illness, family members, friends and professionals. Its purpose is to help improve the lives of people affected by mental illness through education, support and advocacy.
Phone: 1-(512) 693-2000
Visit websiteTexas Health and Human Services
Texas Health and Human Services offers mental health and substance use services for families and people of all ages.
Phone: 1-(877) 541-7905
Visit websiteTexas Council On Family Violence
The unified voice for Texas domestic violence survivors and providers, TCFV trains, leads prevention efforts, and advocates for laws to make a difference.
Phone: 1-(512) 794-1133
Visit websiteTexas Health and Human Services
The Family Planning Program helps fund clinic sites across the state to provide quality, comprehensive, low-cost and accessible family planning and reproductive health care services to women and men.
Phone: 1-(512) 776-7796
Visit websiteTexas Oral Health Coalition
The Texas Oral Health Coalition promotes optimal oral health across the lifespan by advocating for all Texans through statewide partnerships.
Phone: 1-(432) 235-0003
Visit websiteTexas Department of Aging and Disability Services
HHS programs provide a range of services to older Texans that help ensure their well-being, dignity and choice. Programs also are in place to support family caregivers.
Phone: 1-(855) 937-2372
Visit websiteThe Obesity Prevention Program
The Obesity Prevention Program strives to help Texans eat healthier by making nutritious choices the easy choice throughout Texas communities.
Phone: 1-(512) 776-7111
Visit websiteTexas Department of Insurance
The Texas Department of Insurance regulates the state's insurance industry, oversees the administration of the Texas workers' compensation system, performs the duties of the State Fire Marshal's Office, and provides administrative support to the Office of Injured Employee Counsel a separate agency.
Phone: 1-(800) 578-4677
Visit websiteUtah
NAMI Utah State Office
NAMI Utah's mission is to ensure the dignity and improve the lives of those who live with mental illness and their families through support, education and advocacy.
Phone: 1-(801) 323-9900
Visit websiteDivision of Substance Abuse & Mental Health
The DSAMH oversees the publicly funded prevention and treatment system. If you, a friend, or family member is struggling with a mental health problem or a problem with alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs, there is help available.
Phone: 1-(801) 538-3939
Visit websiteUtah Domestic Violence Coalition
Utah Domestic Violence Coalition (UDVC) the nationally recognized state domestic violence coalition in Utah is committed to creating a state where domestic and sexual violence are intolerable.
Phone: 1-(801) 521-5544
Visit websiteUtah Just For Youth
JFY provides information and resources for sexual health, birth control, pregnancy and more.
Phone: 1-(385) 262-5044
Visit websiteUtah Oral Health Coalition
The Utah Oral Health Program promotes oral health education and prevention, increases community awareness of the oral health needs in the state and improves access to oral health care services.
Phone: 1-(801) 273-2995
Visit websiteUtah Aging and Adult Services
Area Agencies administer a wide variety of home and community-based services for Utah residents who are 60 and older. The goal is to ensure services are provided statewide that allow people to remain independent.
Phone: 1-(801) 538-3910
Visit websiteEPIIC Program
The Healthy Living through Environment, Policy and Improved Clinical Care (EPICC) program provides resources for individuals, families and communities to improve their nutrition and live an active lifestyle.
Phone: 1-(801) 538-6228
Visit websiteUtah Insurance Department
The Mission of the Utah Insurance Department is to foster a healthy insurance market by promoting fair and reasonable practices that ensure available, affordable and reliable insurance products and services.
Phone: 1-(800) 439-3805
Visit websiteVermont
NAMI Vermont
NAMI Vermont supports, educates and advocates so that all communities, families and individuals affected by mental illness or mental health challenges can build better lives.
Phone: 1-(800) 639-6480
Visit websiteDivision of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs
The Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs oversees a network of health promotion, prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery services. Our mission is to prevent, reduce and eliminate the problems caused by alcohol and drug use.
Phone: 1-(802) 651-1550
Visit websiteVermont Network Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
We support our Member Organizations and their work with survivors of domestic and sexual violence through policy change, training and technical assistance and large scale social change efforts.
Phone: 1-(802) 223-1302
Visit websiteVermont Department of Health
We work to ensure that women and men across Vermont have access to quality family planning services, including services that support achieving a healthy pregnancy, preconception health care services, contraceptive services and screening for and treating sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS.
Phone: 1-(802) 863-7200
Visit websiteVermont Oral Health Coalition
Established in 2011, the Vermont Oral Health Coalition (VOHC) was formed to improve and advocate for the oral health of all Vermonters.
Phone: 1-(603) 573-3334
Visit websiteVermont Department of Disabilities, Aging, and Independent Living
We strive to make Vermont the best state in which to grow old or to live with a disability, with dignity, respect and independence.
Phone: 1-(802) 241-2401
Visit websiteVermont Department of Health
The Department of Health provides resources for individuals, families and communities to improve their nutrition and activity levels.
Phone: 1-(800) 464-4343
Visit websiteVermont Department of Financial Regulation
The mission of the Insurance Division is to maintain affordability and availability of insurance for Vermonters, ensure that insurers are able to meet their contractual obligations, to ensure reasonable and orderly competition among insurers and to protect Vermont consumers against unfair and unlawful business practices.
Phone: 1-(802) 828-3301
Visit websiteVirginia
NAMI Virginia
Our mission is to promote recovery and improve the quality of life of Virginians with serious mental illness through support, education and advocacy.
Phone: 1-(804) 285-8264
Visit websiteVirginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
In collaboration with its state and community partners, DBHDS plans, develops, directs, funds and monitors the delivery of comprehensive substance abuse services throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Phone: 1-(804) 786-3921
Visit websiteVirginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance
As an advocacy organization, we provide the expertise needed to ensure an effective response. As a service provider, we offer people resources for making informed choices. As a membership organization, we build diverse alliances across the state.
Phone: 1-(804) 377-0335
Visit websiteVirginia Department of Health
Our mission is to improve pregnancy spacing and outcomes by assuring that comprehensive, quality family planning and reproductive health services are available and accessible to all people in Virginia.
Phone: 1-(804) 864-7754
Visit websiteVirginia Oral Health Coalition
Our mission is to ensure all Virginians have access to affordable, comprehensive health care that includes oral health.
Phone: 1-(804) 269-8720
Visit websiteVirginia Department for the Aging
The Division for Community Living works to help older Virginians live as independently as possible by coordinating and providing services to help them maintain their dignity and security.
Phone: 1-(804) 662-9333
Visit websiteVirginia Department of Health
The mission of the Virginia Department of Health is to protect the health and promote the well-being of all people in Virginia.
Phone: 1-(804) 864-7730
Visit websiteVirginia Bureau of Insurance
Our mission is to ensure that citizens of the Commonwealth are provided with access to adequate and reliable insurance protection; that the insurance companies selling policies are financially sound to support payment of claims; that the agents selling company policies are qualified and conduct their business according to statutory and regulatory requirements, as well as acceptable standards of conduct; and that the insurance policies are of high quality, are understandable and are fairly priced.
Phone: 1-(800) 552-7945
Visit websiteWashington
NAMI Washington
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Washington provides governance, advocacy and fundraising support for the 20 NAMI affiliate offices, large and small, throughout the state. NAMI's mission is to improve the quality of life for all those affected by mental illness. We do this by providing a statewide, unifying voice of advocacy and coordinating the delivery of education, support and recovery.
Phone: 1-(206) 783-4288
Visit websiteDivision of Behavioral Health and Recovery
DBHR funds prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery support services.
Phone: 1-(866) 789-1511
Visit websiteWashington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence
WSCADV is a resource for programs that assist domestic violence victims and their families. We inform prevention and education organizations, government agencies, the media and others concerned with domestic violence.
Phone: 1-(360) 586-1022
Visit websiteWashington State Department of Health
Washington State's family planning program provides educational and clinical services to help people choose if and when to have children and to plan healthy and well-timed pregnancies.
Phone: 1-(360) 236-3401
Visit websiteWashington State Oral Health Coalition
The Washington State Oral Health Coalition is a broad based group of organizations and individuals whose mission is to promote and advocate for optimal oral health for all Washington State residents.
Phone: 1-(712) 770-4035
Visit websiteWashington Aging and Long-Term Support Administration
We help seniors and people with disabilities live with good health, independence, dignity and control over decisions that affect their lives.
Phone: 1-(800) 865-7801
Visit websiteWashington Department of Health
The Department of Health is working with communities, schools, employers and healthcare providers to make changes that will make it easier for us to make healthy choices in our daily lives.
Phone: 1-(360) 236-3665
Visit websiteWashington Office of the Insurance Commissioner
The Washington state Office of the Insurance Commissioner protects insurance consumers and oversees the insurance industry.
Phone: 1-(800) 562-6900
Visit websiteWest Virginia
NAMI West Virginia
NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
Phone: 1-(703) 524-7600
Visit websiteHELP4WV
HELP4WV offers a 24/7 call, chat and text line that provides immediate help for any West Virginian struggling with an addiction or mental health issues.
Phone: 1-(844) 435-7498
Visit websiteWest Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence
WVCADV works to transform social, cultural and political attitudes through public awareness, policy development, community organizing, education and advocacy in ways that promote values of respect, mutuality, accountability and non-violence in local, statewide, national and global communities.
Phone: 1-(304) 965-3552
Visit websiteWest Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources
The WV Family Planning Program contracts with approximately 162 local county health departments, primary care and rural health centers, college and university student health clinics, hospitals and private medical practices to deliver clinical family planning services to eligible individuals.
Phone: 1-(800) 642-8522
Visit websiteWest Virginia Oral Health Coalition
WVOHC organizes oral health efforts as outlined in the West Virginia Oral Health Plan, and supports and promotes oral health in West Virginia's children and adults by facilitating and coordinating collaborations, statewide and at the community levels.
Phone: 1-(304) 799-6550
Visit websiteWest Virginia Bureau of Senior Services
The information we offer is tailored to those who are seeking to locate programs and services for themselves or their loved ones and also for professionals who may be looking for up-to-date information relating to the field of aging.
Phone: 1-(304) 558-3317
Visit websiteDivision of Health Promotion and Chronic Disease
The DHPCD works to create and support environments that make it easier for WV residents to choose healthy foods and to be physically active.
Phone: 1-(304) 356-4193
Visit websiteWest Virginia Office of the Insurance Commissioner
The mission of the Offices of the Insurance Commissioner is to promote a competitive and solvent insurance market with adequate consumer protection by fairly and consistently administering the insurance laws of West Virginia.
Phone: 1-(888) 879-9842
Visit websiteWisconsin
NAMI Wisconsin, Inc.
The mission of NAMI Wisconsin is to improve the quality of life of people affected by mental illness and to promote recovery.
Phone: 1-(800) 236-2988
Visit websiteDivision of Care and Treatment Services
The Division of Care and Treatment Services (DCTS) manages and supports seven care and treatment facilities, community mental health and substance use services, community forensic treatment services and the protection of client rights for individuals receiving services for developmental disability, mental health and substance use.
Phone: 1-(608) 266-2717
Visit websiteEnd Domestic Abuse Wisconsin: The Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence
We envision communities fully engaged to provide safety and to give a voice to all affected by domestic abuse, while creating the social change necessary to end domestic abuse.
Phone: 1-(608) 255-0539
Visit websiteWisconsin Department of Health Services
The Family Planning Only Services Program provides men and women with certain family planning-related services and supplies to prevent unplanned pregnancies.
Phone: 1-(800) 362-3002
Visit websiteWisconsin Oral Health Coalition
The Wisconsin Oral Health Coalition (WOHC) is a dedicated group of more than 200 individuals, organizations and agencies addressing oral health access issues and working to improve oral health for all residents statewide.
Phone: 1-(414) 337-4576
Visit websiteWisconsin Aging and Disability Resource Centers
The first stop for accurate, unbiased information related to aging or living with a disability.
Phone: 1-(608) 266-1865
Visit websiteWisconsin Department of Health Services
This page is provided for consumers looking for nutrition, physical activity and obesity prevention resources that they can use to improve their health.
Phone: 1-(608) 267-3694
Visit websiteWisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
OCI's mission is to lead the way in informing and protecting the public and responding to its insurance needs.
Phone: 1-(608) 266-3585
Visit websiteWyoming
NAMI Wyoming
NAMI Wyoming provides a variety of services to educate and support individuals, family and caregivers whose lives are affected by mental illness.
Phone: 1-(307) 265-2573
Visit websiteWyoming Department of Health
This section oversees programs and grants for communities to provide outpatient and regional mental health and substance use treatment services and supports, including court supervised treatment programs, that are accessible, affordable and provided in the least restrictive and most appropriate environment.
Phone: 1-(800) 535-4006
Visit websiteWyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
Through a collective voice, the Wyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault is committed to provide leadership, education and systems advocacy to advance social change and end violence.
Phone: 1-(307) 755-5481
Visit websiteWyoming Health Council
Wyoming family planning centers offer a broad range of FDA-approved contraceptive methods and related counseling, as well as breast and cervical cancer screening, pregnancy testing and counseling, screening and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), HIV testing and other patient education and referrals.
Phone: 1-(307) 632-3640
Visit websiteWyoming Dental Association
The Wyoming Dental Association is dedicated to excellence in the dental profession in Wyoming through continuing education for its members, through advocacy to enhance dental/medical opportunities for practitioners and through assisting its members to achieve the highest level of patient care to service Wyoming's populate needs.
Phone: 1-(307) 237-1186
Visit websiteWyoming Department of Health Aging Division
The Wyoming Department of Health's Aging Division is committed to providing care, ensuring safety and promoting independent choices for Wyoming's older adults.
Phone: 1-(307) 777-7656
Visit websiteWyoming Department of Health
The Department of Health offers nutrition resources, education and nutritious meal delivery to qualified Wyoming residents.
Phone: 1-(800) 442-2766
Visit websiteWyoming Department of Insurance
The mission of this agency is to enforce the insurance laws and regulations of the State impartially, honestly and expeditiously; to serve the consumer of insurance; to encourage a healthy insurance marketplace and to promote change to better serve the public interest.
Phone: 1-(800) 438-5768
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