Every 60 seconds, we help someone enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan.1
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Monthly Premium
Humana Together in Health (PPO I-SNP) is a PPO I-SNP Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C) plan offered by Humana Inc.
Plan ID: H5216-401-000
* Every year, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) evaluates plans based on a 5-star rating system.
Monthly Premium
Ohio Medicare beneficiaries may want to consider reviewing their Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C) plan options. A Medicare Advantage plan combines your Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) benefits into a single plan.
Most Medicare Advantage plans cover prescription drugs, and many plans may offer other extra benefits Original Medicare doesn’t cover.
Learn more about Ohio Medicare Advantage plans like the one below and find a plan that offers the benefits you want at an affordable price.
Coverage | Details |
Monthly plan premium | $0.00 |
Vision coverage | |
Dental coverage | |
Hearing coverage | |
Prescription drugs | |
Medical deductible | -$1.00 |
Out-of-pocket maximum | $8,850.00 |
Initial drug coverage limit | $0.00 |
Catastrophic drug coverage limit | $0.00 |
When reviewing Ohio Medicare plans, be sure to find out if your doctors are part of the plan network. If a Medicare Advantage plan covers prescription drugs, make sure the plan formulary (list of drugs covered by the plan) includes your drugs.
You may be able to find plans in your part of Ohio that offer similar benefits at similar or lower prices than the plan above. Call 1-800-557-6059 TTY 711, 24/7 to speak with a licensed insurance agent who can help you compare plans.
Links to plan documents |
We represent carriers such as Humana, UnitedHealthcare®, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Aetna, Cigna Healthcare, Wellcare, or Kaiser Permanente.
Every 60 seconds, we help someone enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan.1